Chapter 21

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I groaned as Aunt Al shook me lightly. I hate waking up in the morning it's one of the hardest thing to do, the second hardest thing to do is to pick your clothes.

"Wake up Natalie" She muttered. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms.

"I'm glad you finally decided to spend the night at home" She said.

That's one of my problems I don't consider this house home, I never considered any place home. When I know she's not coming hone due to her busy schedule, I chose not to spend the night here because I feel alone when I do and I hated feeling alone.

"I got a day off so you better spend the night here for these past few days" She sternly said.

"I can't promise you that" I playfully answered and she just shook her head as she chuckled.

I don't hate her in fact I like her because she treated me nicely even though my mom and her wasn't close. She's like my best friend aside from Kayla. She's not the 'parent type' guardian but she knows how to act one when she needed to.

I walked on my first subject and sat beside Kayla. She turned to me as soon as I sat down.

"how was you date?" She asked me teasingly.

"It was great" I answered her.

"Not just fine but great" She said in a teasing manner.

" We didn't kiss on the first date though" I told her and she looked at me confusedly.

"She didn't do any advances on you?" She asked me as if it wasn't possible.

"Yeah, but I liked it that way I guess" I assured her.

"Just remember what I told you, don't put your guards down so fast" She reminded me and our teacher walked in.

The bell rang signalling dismissal. I haven't seem Veronica around, I kinda feel disappointment but I'm not even her girlfriend so why do I care? plus I know something just got up.

"You look down, are you okay?" Kayla asked me with a slight nudge to snap me out.

"Uh... yeah I'm fine." I told her as I looked at her.

"Can we hang out, it's been awhile since we did" I told Kayla and she seems to be thinking about it.

"Yeah sure but I can't leave the kids at home, so if we're gonna spend time it'll be at home" She told me.

"Sounds fine" I told her.

We drove to her house, she could've bought a car but she spend the money to buy a small house instead plus she decided to start a fucking foster child care.

"I'll warn you about Lucky she's noisy and I don't think Luke would mind you though" She told me as she opened the door of her house.

It was really nice, it might be small but it was really pleasant. She have an aesthetically pleasing wallpaper and it was really neat, there was two single couch and a longer one in the middle. It was cute.

"Wow, it's been awhile since I've been around" I said in awe.

"I'll go check on Lucky first" She informed me but before she could walk away Luke appeared out of nowhere.

"she's already asleep" He stated as he ran down the stairs.

"Oh, okay. Are you going somewhere?"'She asked him as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Yeah, Vain and I are hanging out but we promise to be home for dinner" He stated.

"alright.....greet Natalie you disrespectful child" Kayla playfully scolded him, which took me by surprise.

"Hey Natalie" Luke greeted me unenthusiastically.

"Hi" I replied back with a small wave then he walked out the door after he pecked Kayla goodbye. They seem to have a mother and son bond.

"I have a question" I started as Kayla turned to me.

"Why are you keeping those two around when you're still too young for children yet you treat them as if your own child. No offence though" I added.

"Guess I found out I needed some company plus I felt bad for them, kids can't be homeless at a young age so I offered them the best I can." She answered.

"And why does he mean by 'we will be home by dinner', does that mean Vain and you are living together?" I asked her, I didn't want to press the earlier topic.

"I know I didn't tell you but Vain does spend some nights here and help me take care of the children. But were not going out" She answered me.

"Yet" She added and giggled while I shot her the same look people does to congratulate newly weds.

"Ooh, Yet" I teased her and she blushed lightly.

"I never peg you to be someone who'll go for someone like Vain. The bad boy and play boy type. I didn't peg you to agree of Vain on being daddy" I teased her more.

"Stop teasing me Natalie"

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