Chapter 30

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Natalie's POV

I sat on Kayla's sofa, waiting for her from the kitchen. I saw his 'foster children' playing on the other side. Honestly, now that I've been more attentive on the things that surrounds me I start to think that a lot of things do not make sense. For instance why would Kayla adopt a teenage kid and a baby? out of pity? how does she manage to feed them? how does she pay the bills? why would she want such responsibilities?. Before I could further overthink Kayla finally showed up from the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked with a smile, she always smiles.

"I've told you about what happened to Aunt Alie, and she told me something" I said.

"I hope she's doing better, tell her I'll visit her and baked some cookies for her too" She stated.

"She asked me to ask you about something" I started.

"Kayla you're a really nice person, I trust you so much and so do Aunt Alie, now it's your turn to trust there anything you want to tell me or confess? I'll accept you wholeheartedly" I continued.

"Uh.... Natalie what are you saying? I'm kind of lost, can you be more specific" She asked.

"Tell me honestly, what are you?" I asked seriously, I know I may have sound stupid but it was the question I wanted to ask.

"What?" She chuckled lightly.

"I'm in a situation where I don't know what to believe anymore, hell I don't know what to think anymore! so please just tell me, just answer me honestly." I snapped, she was shook but my sudden outburst.

"N-natalie...." She stuttered nervously.

"I don't know what to do anymore Kayla" I said desperately.

"I think it's time to tell you then... I'm a fallen angel" She said.

"What? how?" I asked confused, things are getting weirder and weirder lately.

"I was an angel now I'm not and was sent back to earth, I don't age and don't get sick but I can get killed. You're Aunt Alie knows, she has a gift" She explained.

"This is fucked up, so suddenly everyone around me are supernatural beings" I chuckled humorlessly.

"I know it's hard to grasp everything so I suggest you take it one at a time" She said.

"And I guess you already know about Veronica" She added.

"Is she really--" she cut me off and said "Yes".

I stared at her for awhile, I don't know how to react. I'm overwhelmed with everything that's happening. 

"Natalie, you can tell me anything." She hugged me, and I felt comforted I never thought I needed a hug until I got one. 

"I don't know what to do.... I like Veronica so much but apparently I can't be with her, everything is so messed up." I sobbed, I didn't know how badly I wanted to cry and vent things out until now.

"I know that Aunt Alie is against Veronica and all, but I suggest you talk to Veronica--she's not the best for you but she tried to be and I think she deserves to be heard" Kayla wiped out the tears running down my cheeks.

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