Chapter 29

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Natalie's POV

That night I couldn't sleep for some reason. I can't help but think about what Aunt Alie said and if what she said was true then it explains a lot but I couldn't wrap my head on the idea of Veronica being a succubus and a devil. Sure she's suspicious from the beginning but I never would've guess in a thousand years that she was a succubus and a demon. But why? if she was then why would she date me? why would she like me? is she really doing it simply because of Aunt Alie? For a moment I questioned her feelings for me and it hurts thinking that all along she was just using me. We've been together for a short period of time but what I felt for her is something real, it's something deep that even I'm scared to admit. 

I lay there staring at the ceiling thinking things through, I don't know what to believe anymore. I haven't received any messages from Veronica aside from the one where she apologizes for leaving early that day. I haven't talked to Aunt Alie too. 

Suddenly I heard a loud thud downstairs and screams, I was scared and hurried my way down the stairs. I found Aunt Alie laying on the floor pooled with blood on the living room. She was grasping for air. I quickly approached her and dialed 911. The rescue then came. We made it to the hospital, she was conscious. For some reason the doctors cannot identify what happened to her, she was stabbed on her back that caused the bleeding but nobody knows how it happened. When she was ready for visitors I quickly entered her room to talk to her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She was there, Veronica" She answered.

"What exactly happened, you have to tell me everything" I demanded.

"I was cooking for supper when a dark shadow stabbed me, I know it was her Natalie. I know, I'm telling you you should leave her" She said sobbing. Shit just got real, I don't know what to think. I'm sure my aunt won't stab her self just to prove a point but what she's saying right now doesn't make any sense. 

"I'll talk to her" I said.

"Talk to Kayla, she's good" She muttered.

"I know she's nice" I answered.

"Kayla isn't human either" She said, here we go again with this weirdness.

"What is she then?" I asked.

"Ask her yourself, I know she's good. I trust her" She smiled reassuringly. So that's what I did. I called Kayla to talk to her, right now I need a friend that I can lean on. 

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