School plans with principle of choice

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As the principal goes thru his papers works with silent inside his awfully quiet office he just can't take the image of his new bald and attractive new teacher. After helping him clean up his classroom his heart feels quite worse than before. "Wow I truly am in love with him, am I?... " He whispers to himself. It sounded quite loud due to the silent inside his office.

The door nod suddenly started turning. It seems like there was somebody about to come in. The principal cleans out his office desk quickly before anyone comes in. As soon as he see's the person he is totally flabbergasted. It was Baldi! "Oh my, what a surprise to see you coming in here in the middle of class Baldi." the principle states not actually carry about him being out of class to see him, but was just pointing it out. "sorry to bother you. I have a substitute taking care of my students right now. " Baldi was concerned, he didn't want the principal to think bad of him. "Anyways..." Baldi said while walking near the principal's desk having a hand full of papers in his hands. "I came here to ask something really quickly..."

"ok, What kind of question?" the principal was curious on what Baldi had to say. He would agree to anything he asks for, and when he said's anything, he means ANYTHING.
"i was thinking about putting some kind of rules around this school." Baldi got a bit nervous while saying that, he felt like he offended the principal in some way or another. " it's not like this school is bad or anything!... I mean it's... For the safety of the children" Baldi evilly grinned while stating that. He really wasn't in for good, more like evil. But of course, the principal couldn't reject Baldi. "of course we could. That's a great idea Baldi." as the principal chatted that he thought of a great idea. "so I'll need you to stay here with me for a while to plan these 'rules' out, Baldi" the principal smirked a bit self-consciously without knowing.

'This is totally going to work, heh I'll get to spend more time with him and get attached to him. You never know, I might even end up being a couple with him.' the principal thought while thinking of his magnificent plan of his. He planned on making rules with Baldi all school hours and get to know him better. He might even do more if he can. The principal stopped smirking and looked at the bald man with a straight face." we'll be working in the faulty room near the cafeteria all day tomorrow, so I'll need you to prepare your substitute for a whole week just in case."

"ok, sir" Baldi replied after the principal gave him orders. 'did he just called me sir? Oh~ I wonder what it would sound like for him to call me master~' the principal's dirty mind started turning on after the bald man replied with the word 'sir' which somehow got the principal to think of really really dirty things.


Well that's it for this chapter. I wonder if you guys would like to see some smut in action for the next chapter. Lol it might ruin my small little dirty mind but I'll do it for you guys. So let me know in the comments if I should make a smut for the next chapter of this story.

-benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now