The act of reality

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The next morning came, it was warm and somewhat relaxing, It also felt sort of strange...there was just something different about the atmosphere...
Baldi slowly woke up and moved his arm to the side to feel his loved one, tho all he felt was emptiness.
He wasn't there...
Baldi got up quickly worried for his life. He looked over to his side and saw his lover was no longer there. He also noticed something very odd.
The room he was currently in.
"This...this is my house...?"
Baldi asked very confusedly and concerned. He got up and looked around for a bit.
"What the fuck? Why am I here?...". He asked himself still pretty confused. He got dressed and walked out of his house, still wondering what was going on. He clearly remembers being over at the Principal's house last night.
Baldi made his way towards the Principal's house and knocked on the door. ' Ugh... I feel like I'm slowly going insane...what the hell happend?...' Baldi asked himself while waiting for someone to answer the door.
Soon the door lock was heard being open, and the door opened slowly.
Baldi looked down noticing Playtime looking really tired. She smiled tiredly towards Baldi.
"Hello..." Playtime tiredly but excited greeted Baldi.
" the principal there?..." Baldi tried asking nicely, he wanted to talk to the principal about what happend.
Playtime tilted her head to the side a bit.
"Daddy?... He said he was going to a meeting. I thought you where with him." Playtime told Baldi leaving him more confused and even more concerned.
"The meeting?... I thought he wasnt going..." He said before realizing something "...wait..." Baldi soon then started freaking out once he noticed the time.
'Fuck me, its already 9?! Ugh...that means I'm late for that meeting.' Thought Baldi to himself.
" Ok then, thanks...lock the door and stay safe, I'm sort of late for that meeting," Baldi told Playtime right after leaving. He was still pretty confused about the situation.
As he walked to the schoolhouse, he thought of excuses of why he was late. This was his first meeting and he felt bad for having this horrible first impression towards the Principals boss.
Baldi opened the door in where the meeting was going on and walked in. He heard the Headmaster loudly speaking towards him.
"Mr. Baldimore, you're late." He said towards Baldi as he walked in and had a seat on an empty chair that was next to the Principal.
"I apologize, sir. I got caught off guard by something..." Baldi tried to excuse himself before getting himself worse reputation than he already has.
"That's ok, let's continue where we left off I suppose" The Headmaster started before continuing the meeting.

Once the meeting was over everyone was dismissed except Baldi and the Principal. The Headmaster told them two to see them after the meeting was over.
Baldi and the Principal stayed to have a small chat about something.
"So, Principal of the thing, this is the new math teacher you where talking to about?" The Headmaster asked.
"Yes, he is incredibly good at math and mostly all of the students in his class have straight A's " The Principal was making a great impression of Baldi towards his Boss since he didn't want him to think Baldi is bad at his job.
"Is that so?" The Headmaster was curious about the new staff members of the schoolhouse.
"Principal, do you mind if I ask you something personal?" The Headmaster was assuring before asking what he had in mind.
"No, not at all, you can go ahead and ask me, Boss"
The Principal was a bit nervous since his boss wanted to ask a 'Personal' questions to him, which was very unusual for him to do.
"I've been hearing a few rumors running around this school lately and was just wondering if you and Mr.Baldimore had any sort of relationship with each other." The Headmaster asked with no hesitation.
The principal looked a bit confused, Baldi in the other hand was a bit worried since he didn't know how things were going to go.
"Relationship?... I mean, we are really good friends...but I wouldn't say we're in a loving relationship or sexual relationship with each other, sir..." The principal answers this boss's question sort of confused. The Headmaster nodded and looked towards Baldi.
"Is that so?... Hmm, ok then, You two are dismissed." The Headmaster dismissed Baldi and the Principal.

They both walked out together. Baldi looked towards the Principal slightly.
"Wow... I didn't know you could act." Baldi told the Principal surprised over how he stated that they weren't in a relationship.
"Hmm?...what do you mean?" The Principal looked back at Baldi with a confused face.
"The way you said we weren't in a relationship was extremely believable..." Baldi told the Principal of what he is as speaking about.
"Hah, well that's because I wasn't acting I was being serious about it." The Principal slightly laughed after saying that. Baldi felt hurt a bit and looked sort of worried towards the Principal.
"Prince...that's not funny..." Baldi said with a serious voice. The principal looked at him noticed his facial expression and was more confused.
" I...wasn't trying to be funny...I was just replying to you're statement..." The Principal cleared out towards Baldi.
"Stop, just stop pretending like you don't know what's happening, stop making that confused face towards me, Prince. You're honestly hurting me a bit..." Baldi said getting mad over how the Principal was acting.
"I...I'm sorry, Baldi...but I honestly don't know what we're talking about right now..."  The Principal was seriously confused and didn't exactly knew what Baldi was talking about, which made Baldi feel even more hurt.
" You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?..."  Baldi asked concerned. The Principal slightly nodded being extremely worried about Baldis weird behavior.
"I'm talking about our relationship, our Love relationship, our relationship as parents, you know what I'm talking about, Prince, now stop acting like you don't know what's going on..."
"Baldi...we don't have a Love, parent or any kind of relationship like that... We're only friends..." The Principal blushing slightly replied towards Baldi.
Baldi was confused and filled with sadness. He didn't know if all of this was all just a dream or if something had happen...but it all felt weird. It felt strangely off.



You have reached the final chapter of this Book, and I know the ending is kinda confusing, cause it was purposely meant to be. But don't worry, I will be doing a second book for those who are wondering/or are curious about the ending and what actually happend. It will take me a while to start making the second book of this since I'm pretty busy. But I will try to make it as soon as possible just for those who are still waiting for it.

Also, thanks if you have made it this far and have read this entire book. I hope you've enjoyed it and stay tuned for the continuation on the second book.

-Benjamin [ Aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now