Something else other than what you are

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The principal bored was still waiting for baldi, he watching tv and having a bunch of thoughts at the time. 'Ugh still can't believe it...the bully trying to make friends with playtime?...there's just something weird about it.  I'm probably taking this too seriously...' the principal thought to himself as he kept staring at the tv screen not paying any sort of attention to anything but his thoughts.

Soon the front door opened and baldi excitedly with shopping bags came in. "honey I'm home!" baldi yelled once he set foot inside the house. The principal quickly tried to shush baldi before he gave away to the bully that the principal was dating his math teacher. "baldi shush! Don't say that!" the principal seriously stated towards baldi, making him extremely confused.

"ok, ok, don't have to yell at me because you're so into whatever your watching." baldi said thinking the reason his lover shushed him was because he was watching tv.
"what?...No I'm shushing you because the bully is here!"  the principal cleared out to not make things complicated.

Baldi sat next to the principal and laughed. "ohhhh that why you wanted me to shush my love?~" baldi kissed the principal and smiled. The principal smiled slightly but pushed baldi away quickly to not risk the bully seeing that. He didn't know play time already told him about the principal dating baldi and such. He wouldn't think that would happen.

"aww...why are you being so mean to me???~" baldi whined towards the principal. The principal rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "baldi,I already told you..." he giggled a bit wondering if he was just excited about tonight.

"Anyways...let me see what you got..." the principal took the bags out of baldis hands gently and looked inside. He suddenly blushes and looked over at baldi with a sort of disappointed and embarrassed face.
"B-Baldi! Are you seriously! I'm not wearing this!" baldi whined once more and held the principal closer.

"c'mon princi~ I paid money for this shit your going to have to wear it, or I'll force you into it somehow," baldi stated while smirking towards the principal a bit. "that'll be interesting to watch... I might not want to put it on after all, just for the purpose of seeing you trying to but it on me." the principal played back with baldi and smirked as well.

"oh I'll put it on you alright~" baldi kept teasing the principal by flirting a bit. The principal blushed and quickly got up from the couch still being a bit flirty
" I'll deal with you later tonight but let's not get too ahead of ourselves now sweethearts~" the principal kissed baldi and pulled away quickly, soon grabbing the ice cream that baldi brought for the kids.

The principal walked upstairs to bring the ice cream to the kids and while he was making his way there he heard some laughter. "huh?" the principal was a bit curious.

He walked in to see them playing jump rope.
' I wonder for how long they've been doing this for...' the principal thought to himself.

Playtime soon noticed the principal and she happily smiled showing how much fun she was having. The bully didn't look that bad either he was kinda surprised a bit. "Um... I got ice cream if you guys want some." the principal announced towards the kids with a sweet tone and handed an ice cream to each of them.

"Thank you daddy!" playtime hugged and thanked his loving father. "oh...uh...thanks principal..." the bully thanked the principal sort of awkwardly, the principal felt strange a bit for hearing the bully just say thanks to him but maybe there's something more than just a disrespectful bully in him, maybe he's something else.


Yay, I finally updated. Again sorry for the lack of updating. School's here and now I'm stressing out like crazy, so it still might be late on updating.

Spoiler: next chapter will be a NSFW hah sorry for teasing.

-Benjamin[aka: writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now