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Harper's P.O.V

I didn't want to leave Alex but I have to go to school.  So here I am sitting in my second class waiting for her to text me that she is awake.  Yesterday was amazing even though Lex slept all afternoon and night. I have had a smile firmly planted on my face all day and I know that Chel knows something happened by the questioning look she is shooting me from across the room.  In my thoughts, I don't hear the bell ring for  lunch. 

"Hey bitch you going to stay there all day or are you going to come to lunch?" She asks snapping me out of my head. 

"Yeah I'm coming" I say gathering my backpack and following her out the door.

"So...what's up with you?"


"Lie again asshole. You have this goofy grin on your face and you are distracted." She says eyeing me. "OH MY GOD!!"


"You had sex." She says with a smirk. I look down blushing at the volume of her voice.

"Say it a little louder would you" I say trying to get her to stop talking.

"Well" she says. "How was it? Is she big? Did you cum? Did you use protection?" She fires question after question at me.  The last one caught my attention though.  We didn't use a condom. My eyes widen in realization and her jaw drops. "You didn't use a condom? What the hell Harp??"

"We didn't think about it" I say almost in a whisper.

"Oh my god" she says as Laur walks up to us. I'm drawn back into my thoughts as they talk about something that happened this morning.  I can't believe we didn't think about that.  What if I get pregnant? Does Alex even want kids? I'm only 17 and we still have college and our lives to live before we think about kids.  What is Alex going to say? My mind is racing causing me to panic.

"Yo Harpy you alright?" Laur asks causing me to come back from inside my head.

"Yeah, I'm good" I say looking over at Chel, who is giving me a knowing look.

"We are going to come by and see Alex after school is that cool?" Laur asks.  I tell her thats cool before getting up and heading outside to get some air.  They both give me a look before shrugging and turning back to their lunch.  The rest of the day all I can focus on is the thought that I could be pregnant.

After school and back home I walk into the house to find Alex asleep on the couch.  I walk over to her a crouch down in front of her on the floor admiring her face.  She looks so peaceful while she is sleeping. I almost don't want to wake her but I have to seeing as Chel and Lauren are coming over.

"Baby" I say shaking her shoulder a little. No answer. "Alex" I say a little louder. Still no answer. I decide to try something else. I start kissing all over her face. When I make it to her lips she kisses back and I pull away smiling. "How long have you been awake?" I ask looking at her sleepy eyes.

"When you shook my shoulder" she says smiling at me. I need to talk to her about yesterday but decide to do it later. She sits up and pulls me up into her lap so that I am straddling her. "How was school?" She asks laying her head on my boobs.

"It was ok. What did you do all day?"

"Slept" she says rubbing her face on my boob.

"Stop that Lex" I say giggling. She hums and keeps moving her head around.

"They are comfortable" she says sighing. I laugh and the door flys open.

"Stop fucking you guys we are here now" Laur says laughing. I shake my head and Alex rolls her eyes.

We decide to watch some tv. I turn so that I am sitting sideways in Alex's lap and wrap my arms around her neck laying me head against her shoulder. She kisses my forehead causing my heart to flutter. After a while Laur and Chel decide to go home. Once they leave Alex kisses me. I kiss back and before long I am straddling her again. She bites my bottom lip causing me to moan. I shift a little on her lap causing her to release a moan of her own.

After making out for a few minutes I feel her erection pressing against my center. I decide we need to stop. I don't want her to hurt herself again like she did yesterday. I pull away resting our foreheads together catching our breath. Once my breathing evens out a little I suggest we eat dinner.

"I know what I want to eat" she says with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. I roll my eyes and start to get off of her. She pulls me back down nuzzling her face in my neck. "I missed you" she says.

"I missed you too but I'm hungry lets eat" I say getting up and pulling her off the couch and into the kitchen. We decide on breakfast for dinner. After cooking eggs and bacon and toast we sit down and eat together. It feels so normal to do things like this with her. I wonder if I should bring up the no condom thing and decide against it. Why worry her unless there is a reason to worry.

"Have you heard anything about my dad?" She asks catching me off guard. Instantly, anger bubbles up inside me.

"No." I say hoping she isn't thinking about going back anytime soon. She hums and continues eating. After we finish we go up to my room and crawl into bed. I lay my head on her shoulder thinking about her father. I wonder where he went after he nearly killed her and wether he will be back anytime soon. She runs her hand through my hair making my eyes close.

"What are you thinking baby girl" she asks. I softly shake my head at her question. I don't want her to think about going back so I don't want to bring it up. She continues to run her hand through my head and i feel myself drifting off. I feel her kiss the top of my head and say she loves me before I fall asleep.

I wake the next morning to my alarm. I rolled over during the night so that my back is facing Alex. I feel behind me and find the bed empty. I jump up and call out for her with no answer. I get up and head downstairs calling her name again. She's not here. Where did she go?

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