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Alex's P.O.V

I'm a fucking rich bitch. A millionaire. Pinch me I'm dreaming. After leaving the lawyers office and stopping by Harpers to tell her parents we are back at my house. Harper says she is going for a shower.

As I sit I am thinking about what I can do with the money. I know our future and our peanuts future is set. The first person that popped into my head is LoLo. She has been wanting some new things and she needs a new car. I decide I am going to give her money. She is my best friend and every time my father fucked me up she always came and took care of me without question. She never judged me or left me. After that I joined Harper in the shower.

A long shower later we are laying in bed and I decide to tell Harper my plan. Afterwards she gets tired and we fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to find Harper gone. I see a note on her pillow.

I had to go my mom called and said she wanted to take me shopping for the baby. I didn't want to wake you because you looked so peaceful. I will call you when we get back.
Harper and Peanut

I smile at the note and decide today is the perfect day to surprise Lo. I get up and get dressed writing a note for Harper just in case she gets back before me and go to the bank. I withdrawal $50,000 from the bank. While they are approving it and getting the money ready I call Lo.

After planning for her to meet me at the park in an hour I wait for the money. Once it is ready I head to the park to find Lo already there.

"Hey Lo What's up?"

"I should be asking you that. You sounded like you had something important to tell me."

"Actually I do. You know you are my best friend right?" I ask sitting down on the bench beside her. She nods. "You know you always took care of me when I needed you and you never judged me or left me or questioned me. You will never know how much that means to me" I say looking into her eyes. Her eyes are shining with unshed tears. "I love you Lo and you probably saved my life a few times over the years. I can never repay you for what you have done for me but I think this" i say while pulling the envelope out of my bag "can help you a little. I know you need a new car and you want those $300 headphones and new MacBook. Think of it as a token of my appreciation for everything you have done for me." I say handing her the envelope.

She opens it and gasps.

"Is this a joke? Where did you get this? What the fuck Alex?"

"Not a joke. I'm a millionaire now" I say grinning at her. She looks from me to the envelope and back to me before throwing her arms around my neck crying onto my shoulder.

"I love you too Alex but how much money is this? I can't accept this." She says pulling away and pushing the envelope back to me.

"It's $50,000. Yes you can and you will. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you Lo." I say pushing the envelope back to her. "Take it. Buy your new car and all that other shit you want. Buy Chel something nice. Hell I don't care what you do with it but its yours."

She hugs me again and we talk a little before heading back to our homes. I walk in and see Harper standing in front of the fridge in nothing but one of my t shirts and her underwear. I stand in the doorway leaning against the frame before whistling causing her to spin around.

"Shit Lex you scarred me" she says clutching her chest.

"Sorry baby you look sexy barefoot and pregnant in my kitchen" I say with a smirk. She rolls her eyes and walks over to me pecking my lips. As she pulls away I grab her and pull her back in for a real kiss. We are broken apart my her stomach growling. I tell her to sit and ask her what she wants for dinner. We decide on tacos.

We cook together and eat like a little family. After dinner Harper pulls me up to my bedroom. She pushes me down on the bed and bites her lip straddling me before attacking my lips with her own. Yeah, this is my life. Harper is my home. Harper is my family.

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