Chapter 2

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When I woke the next morning Jake wasn't there.

I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes before grabbing the sheets and wrapping it around myself.
As i stood I found Jake's shirt and slipped it on. The navy blue T-shirt went just below my knees.
I tiptoed into the living room but he wasn't there. Next place i checked was the kitchen which to my surprise, there he was.
"Whatcha doing?" I asked curiously.
He turned around with a smile on his face.
"Making pancakes." He said and turned back to the stove.
I walked up to him and stood beside him, taking in the wonderful scent of the buttermilk pancakes.
"What are you doing?" He asked with a smirk.
"Hmm, just thinking about how good those pancakes smell." I said as I closed my eyes and breathed in the smell.
When I opened my eyes Jake was a lot closer.
"Really? So not about me?" He pouted.
"Nope." I said, shrugging my shoulders.
He grabbed my waist and smiled evilly. He pulled my body flush against his and wouldn't let me move.
"You're going to burn those delicious pancakes." i whined.
"i don't care about those." he chuckled.
"I do!" I whined louder.
He let go of me and stood back in front of the stove. "So I'll keep making them." he chuckled, teasing me.
"Fine." i mumbled. I crossed my arms and walked into the dining room, waiting for my pancakes.
After we ate our breakfast Jake had to go.
I was mad at first but he has a job and needs clean clothes for it. Just like me.
"Oh shit!" I yelled. I forgot i had work today.
I quickly got dressed and did everything i needed to before I rushed down stairs and ran to work.
The elevator doors were just closing when I was 2 feet away from it.
"Stop!" I yelled. A hand stopped the doors and i could finally breathe.
"Thank you so much." I breathed heavily as I walked into the elevator.
I didn't see who was in it with me until I looked up.
"Nice to see you again." He smiled.
Fuck. He's here in the elevator alone with me.
"Y-you too. Thank you f-for- you know, holding the doors o-open." I stuttered awkwardly.
"No problem." He smiled nicely as i stood as far as i could away from him.
There was a few moments of silence before he spoke up, "You know, I don't bite." He chuckled.
Yeah, he probably does.
"I know." I bit my lip nervously as my hands fidgeted with my keys.
"You're a very shy person." He said out of nowhere.
"what?" i muttered in annoyance.
"I can tell you're a shy person. You fidget with something when you get nervous, and you stutter a lot. Its really easy to tell. Especially when you blush like you are right now."
I hadn't even realised i was blushing but when i reached my hand up to my cheek, it was hot.
'Um.." I had no clue what to say but thank god i was saved by the bell. literally. The bell of the elevator went off and the doors opened. I quickly rushed out before he could say or do anything.
"Good morning." People greeted me as i rushed to my cubby.
I quickly set all my stuff down and began to work, relieved I was finally away from him.

Finally work was over.
I had not moved out of my cubbie all day in fear of running into the scary man.
"Have a good night!" I called out as i swung my purse over my shoulder and out of the place.
This time i learned my lesson about the elevator and took the stairs.
I needed some exercise after sitting all day. i hadn't even went to lunch so i was starving and couldn't wait to get home to Jacob.
I made it down the boring flight of stairs and was just on my way out of the lobby when a hand grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back.
I spun around to the man.
Shoot. Not him again.
"Have you been avoiding me?" He asked with confusion written all over his face.
"No, I was working. Plus I don't even know you to avoid you." I snapped.
His eyebrows creased.
"Maybe i don't wanna be a stranger to you. maybe i wanna take you on a date and get to know you." He said with a sigh.
"Well, I'm taken so, better luck next time buddy." I said sassily as i forcefully removed his hand off of me and walked home.
For some reason this guy really bothered me and he seemed nice but as more days passed, the more I saw what he was truly about.

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