Chapter 11

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"So I see you two have already met." Matthew grinned from ear to ear.

"In a way." I grumbled but the truth was, I was actually so relieved it was Derek and not some random stranger I barely knew. Though, in a way, Derek was a stranger I barely knew, i mean, he almost raped me for god's sake!

"Well, I'll have Jada here show you the way to your room and let you get acquainted." Matthew gestured to the maid standing next to him and walked away, back into the room we came from.

"Right this way." Jada showed us to our room and closed the door behind us. As soon as it shut, Derek spoke.

"April, I know I fucked up, badly and I'm truly sorry and I understand if you never forgive me but I can't forget you or let you go to some stranger that's not me. I love you! And I'm so sorry and if you don't feel that same anymore, that's okay. If you want to go, I won't stop you this time."

I growled angrily and poked his chest, "No! You don't get to do that to me! You did fuck up! Right after you promised you'd never hurt me." Tears sprung to my eyes but I refused to let them fall. He was not going to see how hurt I actually was. "And there is no "this time". We are done. I already left but you're the one that came back so you have to leave! I don't want to love you, but I can't help it. You say you love me, but you don't act like it! And you use it as some type of excuse for me to forgive you and as an excuse for what you did to me!" Derek nodded and ran his hand through his hair.

"I know, Okay?! I fucked this up but I love you so much and I'm not using it as an excuse! Its how I feel and I'm sorry that I don't know how to show it, but I didn't grow up in a normal house. My family didn't love. We all hated each other's guts and wanted to kill each other every time we laid eyes on any of our family. I'm not normal! You of all people should know that!"

"Oh trust me, I know that! You kidnapped me to begin with! Then you almost RAPED me! Oh! And the best of all! You fucking bought me from the father that sold me as a fetus in my mothers womb!" I yelled at him, my hands clenched into fists at my sides to keep me from punching him in the face.

""So how much was I worth? Hmm? How much did you pay for me?" I stepped closer to him and let our chests brush against each other.

He looked down and avoided eye contact.

"How much?!" I yelled, anger flowing through my veins, making my blood boil.

"$50 million." He whispered.

"Holy fuck." I chuckled humorously. "What the actual fuck, Derek?! 50 million?! I am not worth that much! What the fuck were you thinking?!" I punched him in the chest and pushed him away from me.

He stepped closer and grabbed my hands, "You are worth every damn penny i spent and more! I was not going to let you be bought by some pervert that'd probably just sell you off to more and more people, just one after the other and I couldn't just stand by and watch it happen. I need you, April! Without you, I am nothing. You bring out the best in me and you make my life worth living. Even though we haven't known each other long, you make me fall in love with you more and more with each breath you take." He smiled softly as tears fell down his cheek. "I just want you. No matter what happens. Please, April. One more chance please. I'll never let you down again. Just let me prove it." He brought my right hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, letting his tears drip onto my hand. He looked up to me and waited for my answer as I thought.

Finally letting my own tears fall, I nodded furiously. "Fine, one chance. You fuck it up then you don't get a third." I wiped my face with my arm before he grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his.

He really got me wrapped around his finger and he is wrapped around mine.

A knock sounded on the door before it was pushed open.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you but Mr. Matthew wants you both downstairs for dinner." The maid spoke, breaking our kiss.

I pulled away from Derek and nodded my head. "We will be there in a minute." I smiled softly.

She nodded and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

When the door closed Derek began laughing. "Well, that was awkward." He chuckled. I looked up to him and started laughing. His laugh was contagious and I couldn't help but laugh. He smiled and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm so ecstatic that we're working this out." Derek spoke lowly in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his back and held him closer to me. "Me too, but I'm hungry and need food." I looked up to his face and kissed his cheek before wiggling out of his arms and sprinting to the door before he could stop me.

"I'll see you down there." I giggled and ran down the stairs, hearing his footsteps behind me. 

When I reached the last step, Matthew rounded the corner. "I see you're much happier."

Seeing him instantly upset me and reminded me of my situation. "Yeah, because I actually know the person you sold me to." I rolled my eyes and walked past him into the dining room.

"Yet you are still angry with me." His voice followed me. I found my seat and looked at the table that was full of food. There was a big roasted turkey in the middle followed by dozens of small sides like corn, mashed potatoes, and my personal favorite macaroni and cheese.

"Maybe because you were never in my life and one day I find out its because you intended to sell me which you did anyways." I loaded up my plate with some turkey and some Mac and cheese. I heard him sit across from me and exhale.

"Well, I could tell you that I regret it immensely but I know for a fact that you wouldn't believe me." He spoke as he began filling his plate. I looked up at him and shoveled food into my mouth.

"So you regret it?" I questioned through my mouthful of food.

"Of course I do." He took a small bite and thought for a moment. "I regret not being in your life from the moment that you were born and I regret signing away your life before even meeting you." He swallowed his food and took a sip of his red wine. "You're my child! My daughter. I wish I could've been in your life all along." He set his wine down and began eating the rest of his food.

I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind went blank. Thankfully Derek walked into the dining room, kissed my cheek and sat down next to me. His placed his hand on my knee and scooted his chair in before he dug into the food.

We ate in silence and the only sounds that you could hear was the sound of our silverware clinking against our plates.

When I finished eating, I stood and pushed in my chair which Derek followed.

"April." Matthew's voice stopped me in my tracks. I turned and looked at him.

"I'm glad you have him." He smiled and for the first time since I met him, I hated him a little less.

"Me too." I looked at Derek and smiled then walked back upstairs. 

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