Chapter 8: The Party

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"Athena? What's going on here?"

My head snapped over in Via's direction. "N-nothing. I was just about to get in my car when Leo walked up to me," I stuttered. Damn. It was pretty obvious something was happening, and my stuttering didn't help.

"Well, I will see you ladies later. Right now I have to go. See you Via," Leo waved at his sister. "Bye," she mumbled back. Once he was out of earshot, Via came running up to me and asked, "What was that all about?"

So, I told her everything that happened, although there wasn't that much to tell. Only that I was reading and Leo sat down next to me. Then I went to get in my car to get away from him but he followed me. That's where Via came in.

"My brothers an idiot. He should know better than to try and talk to you. Has he done anything to upset you or has he bullied you at all since he's been back?" Via asked.

"Now that I think about it he hasn't. The most he's done is poke me with a pencil and other little things like that during class in order to get my attention."

"I know that all the stuff he did when  to you when we were little might be hard to forget but maybe you should forgive or at the very least act nice towards him. Maybe he's changed since elementary school. He could be a whole new person now," Via said.

I was hesitant on taking her advice. How could I forgive someone who bullied me for years.It would be extremely hard to forgive. "Just promise me you'll at least think about it," Via pleaded.

I nodded my head and watched as Leo's figure disappeared around a corner. The very least I could do for Via is think about it. I don't want my dislike of Leo to strain her relationship with her brother. We got in my car and sat there in silence before I finally started the drive home.

By the time we got home, Via had managed to find out that there was a party tonight at some dude named Miles' house. That name rung a bell, but I couldn't pinpoint where exactly I had heard that name before.

"Please, please, please will you go with me?" Via pestered me.

I never really go to parties. The last one I went to was in my sophomore year, and hardly anybody showed up.

"You know that I don't like going to parties," I replied as I gave her a look that said 'Are you stupid?'

"You know, Teddy will be there."

My ears perked up a little at the mention of Teddy's name. I've had a little bit of a crush on him for the past year or so, but I don't have any classes with him so I hardly see him.

"Maybe for a little bit, but no drinking," I finally caved. Via screamed and jumped up and down, pumping her fist in the air. Hey, just because I don't go to parties that often doesn't mean I'm willing to pass up the chance to see my crush outside of school.


A couple hours later, Via barged into my room armed with a curling iron and an armful of make-up. "I can do my own hair an make-up you known."

"Yeah, I know you can. But I can do it better." I shot Via a glare.

In the end, I let her curl my hair and do my make-up, although I did tell her to go light on the make-up since I don't normally wear that much.

Once she finished my hair and make-up, she finally allowed me to look in the mirror. She had put on some concealer, mascara, filled in my eyebrows, and put on a light pink lipstick. For my hair, she curled it slightly at the ends to give it a little bounce. The top half of my hair was in a small ponytail.

"Via!" I exclaimed.

"I look so pretty! Thank you so much."

As she stood in the corner of my room listening to me, Via gave a slight shrug, acknowledging the fact that I did look good. Sometimes this girl was really shy. She was great at make-up.

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