Chapter 31: The Stalker

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After Leo left, I went upstairs to take a shower.

In the shower, all I thought about was Leo and the kiss. Or lack thereof. We didn't actually kiss, he just kissed my neck/shoulder area. It felt amazing when he did that. I could still feel his lips on my neck.

My fingers brushed the area and I felt a tingling sensation where he kissed.

NO! My inner voice interrupted. You absolutely cannot be having these thoughts. What if the stalker finds out what you and Leo did. Then, Leo would be dead for sure.

I have to figure out who is doing this to me. Once I do, then Leo and I will be free to be together. Until then, I cannot have contact with him.

I reluctantly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. Before I got changed, I made sure to shut my curtains completely and lock my door in case anyone walked in or tried to peep.

I changed as quick as I could. It didn't seem to be quick enough. My phone pinged a minute later.

UN: I saw you in the shower. It was hot. Seeing you all wet from the water really turned me on.

Me: How did you see me in the shower? My door was closed.

UN: A magician never reveals their secrets.

Me: You aren't a magician! You are a stalker who deserves to rot in jail for the rest of their life.

UN: Woah, feisty aren't we? That's not the way you talk to your lover is it?

Me: I don't love you!

UN: You will.

I threw my phone onto my bed. This was so frustrating. How come they knew all these things about me, yet I knew nothing about them?

Better yet, how are they spying on me? As far as I know me, Via, Leo, and my father are the only ones that have been in my room the past couple weeks.

They could've climbed in through my window. I slid to the floor and pulled at my hair in frustration. Why does it have to be me? What did I do to make this happen?

I started to cry. It was a little trickle at first, but soon became an ocean of tears. I couldn't stop them. This situation was stressing me out to no end. I've had trouble focusing in school the past couple days and I'm losing weight because I've lost my appetite.

I just wanted all this to end.

Something inside of me stirred while I as sitting there. Right now, I was a sitting duck, waiting for the predator to attack. I don't have to be. I can take a little bit of my freedom back by finding out how the stalker is doing all of this.

I got up and went into my bathroom with new found determination and tore it apart. If he wanted to spy on me, then he would've had to have placed a camera somewhere in here.

I threw my towels on the floor, my personal hygiene products, my toothbrush and its holder, basically everything that was in my bathroom was now on the floor.

I ran my hands along the edge of my sink and cabinets but came up empty. Where was this god damn camera? I swore to myself.

I screamed in anger. I kicked stuff around my bathroom, not caring about the mess anymore. I had to find this camera. If I didn't, I would go insane.

The longer my search went on, the more worn out I got. I had been in here for an hour looking at the same 20 items, still not being able to figure out where the stupid camera was. My whole body was exhausted from searching. My brain was crying for sleep. Before I knew it, my eye lids were fluttering closed and I was dreaming.

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