Chapter 25: The Confession pt. 2

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When I saw her coming down the bleachers my heart soared. Yes! She was going to accept my confession and then we could date. When she was walking down I saw her wince. Wait a second, is she in pain? When did she get injured?

Before I could process what was happening Athena passed out just before she reached the floor. Her head smacked against the hardwood floor of the gym as I took off towards her.

NO! What is happening? She was fine yesterday afternoon when we went out to eat. What could've happened in between now and then?

"Athena? Athena! Wake up." I exclaimed as I shook her shoulders. "Don't just stand there call 911!" I screamed at no one in particular. Everyone in the crowd was just standing there watching, not even helping her. Some people even had the audacity to take their phones out and film everything.

These people can go die in a hole. they are not being helpful. I grabbed my phone out of my backpack and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Yes I'm at Oakview High right now and my friend has just fainted. I need an ambulance right now!"

"Okay, just calm down an ambulance is on their way. Can you tell me what happened?" the operator asked.

"She was walking down the bleachers when I saw her wince in pain and touch her ribs for a split second and then she fainted and hit her head on the floor before I could catch her," I said. My voice was shaky and it was getting harder to talk. I was on the verge of tears.

I couldn't lose Athena. Not her too. I needed her. She is my first love and one of my best friends and if she dies I don't know what I would do. She makes me smile like no one else. Athena brings out the best in me. She can't die. Not before we get the chance to be together.

Via was next to me on the phone with Athena's father telling him what happened. She hung up and slid her phone in the back of her jeans.

"Is she okay?" Via asked.

"I don't know," I whispered, "I don't know."

The paramedics arrived a couple minutes later and had to physically push through the crowd to get to us. These people are all idiots that are going to accidentally kill someone one day. They would rather film a car crash or some other disaster on their phones than help the people who are in trouble.

One of the paramedics even yelled at some people who still refused to get out of the way.

When they finally reached us they loaded Athena up on a stretcher and wheeled her out of the gym. Via and I followed close behind, not wanting to lose sight of Athena.


I was speeding the whole way to the hospital. It's a wonder that I didn't get pulled over by the cops. i ran inside with Via right on my heels.

"Excuse me," I asked the nurse sitting at the front desk, "do you know what room number Athena Jennings is in?" I asked.

She grabbed a chart of some sort and flipped through a couple pages before she gave us an answer. "She's in surgery right now. She won't have a room number until she gets out. You can wait in the waiting room while she's in the operating room."

I thanked her and walked over to a bench right outside the waiting room. I didn't feel like going in there and seeing all those miserable people. It was so depressing, especially when the doctors went in there in to inform somebody's family that they didn't make it.

I didn't want to think like that. I had to have faith that Athena will be fine. She has to be.

I could tell Via was shaken up to. Her mascara was dripping down her face because she was crying. I was on the verge of tears too. For the most part I never cry. The only times I can remember crying was when my mother died and when I got Via's letter after I arrived in France.

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