Chapter 9: The Apology

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So I finally figured out who I want to play Athena and Leo. Playing Leo is Lucky Blue Smith but with black hair. Playing Athena is Thylane Blondeau. I haven't figured out who will play Via and the others but I will soon.

You don't have to imagine my characters as these people, this is just how I imagine them.

(If you don't know who they are look them up. They were as close as I could get for how I imagine my characters to look.)


"I'm sorry."

I gaped at Leo, completely stunned by his words. He never apologizes. The last time he did was 6 years ago the day his mother died. Even then, he was forced to. "What?" I whispered, unsure if this was all real, or some crazy weird dream.

"I said I'm sorry. All the things I did to you in the past were horrible. I acknowledge that, but that was a long time ago. After spending 6 years in France, I have changed. It may not seem like it, but trust me I have. All that time with just my father and grandmother made me realize some things."

"Life can easily be taken for granted. While I was over there, my grandmother got sick and almost died, but luckily she is okay now. Her brush with death made me realize that I need to make up for my past mistakes. I'm not asking you to completely forgive me. I know that won't happen for a long, long time. But I hope at the very least you will accept my apology and be friendly towards me. You don't know how much it would mean to me if you would accept my apology. I've been wanting to apologize for years but didn't know how. I know this may not be the best time to apologize for everything but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I am truly, deeply sorry."

The closet went silent as I thought about what he said. He was right in a way. In order to have a future, you have to overcome your past no matter what it is. What good is it really doing me holding on to this grudge of mine? It's not getting me an A in any of my classes, it's not getting me into college. There's no point. Holding a grudge will make you miss all the opportunities that are right in front of your face because you'll be stuck in the past.

"Okay, I will accept your apology on one condition. You have to swear to me that you will never be mean to me ever again. The minute you break that promise is the minute I stop talking to you. Are we clear?" I asked. Honestly, I'm still not sure if I should forgive him or not, but one small step at a time.

His eyes lit up with happiness as he nodded his head. The corner of his lips started to tug up into a smile, but then somebody opened the closet door. It was Via. "What are you doing in here? We need to leave." Before I could protest, she grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of the closet, slamming the door shut behind us.

As we walked through the house, I saw people scrambling to get out all around us. "What's going on Via?" I asked. I had never been to a real party before, but even I could tell that something was majorly wrong. "One of the neighbors called the cops and they are on their way." As soon as she said that the sound of sirens and the sight of blue and red flashing lights filled the street. "COPS!" Somebody shouted.

Anybody who wasn't already rushing to get out of there was definitely rushing to get out of there now. The house quickly became a stampede of drunk teenagers stumbling their way out of the house. "This way," Via motioned as she pulled me into the backyard. Some people had the same idea as us and were cutting through the backyard too.

When the police cars arrived at the house, everybody really went crazy. People where literally running other people over trying to get away from the cops. Somebody bumped into a vase of flowers and it came crashing to the ground. People stepped around the broken vase, the girls running as fast as they could in their heels. If it wasn't for the police threatening to arrest everyone I would have stopped and laughed at the sight of drunk teenagers trying to talk their way out of an arrest.

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