Chapter 24: The Confession

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^^Leo's car

After my encounter with Teddy, I went about my day trying to ignore what happened this morning.

I got homework from all my classes so when I got home I went straight to my desk to get it done. I knew if I didn't get it done now than I would never get it done and then I would get a zero on the assignments.

My first one was for AP World History. We just had to fill out this worksheet about stuff we learned in class today.

Half way through, my phone buzzed with a text from Leo.

L- What are you doing this Friday?

A- Nothing. Why?

L- That's when our first game of the season is and I was hoping you could come. It's a home game.

A- Sure I have nothing else to do.

L- Thank you! And trust me you will have fun.

A- I have to do homework now. Bye.

L- Bye!

I set my phone back down and continued to work.


Once I finished my homework I went downstairs for a snack. My dad was in the garage working on who know's what and Via was with her brother again.

I'm so bored!

There's nothing to do in the house so I wander around for 5 minutes trying to find something to do.

I could watch some TV, go to the park, go for a run, read a book, play on my phone. Huh, I guess there isn't nothing to do. I was just being dramatic. I settled on watching a movie.

Half way into the movie my dad came home from work and told me he was going to take a shower and then he would make dinner.

Via came home shortly after and plopped down on the couch next to me.

"Why are you going over to your brother's house so much?" I asked.

"What? Can't I go visit my own brother? I'm just kidding. He's just working on a project and needed my help with it. That's all."

For some reason I don't believe her.

She has a right to visit her own brother, especially after he's been gone for so long, but I can tell when she is lying. And she is lying right now.

Why would she lie to me? I'm her best friend. Whatever they are working on they can tell me about it. I feel left out.

"Don't worry about what it is. You will find out in a couple days. Trust me," Via said. She could probably sense how confused I was.

We continued to watch the movie and once it ended we headed to the kitchen to grab some dinner. We hadn't been to the grocery store in a while so our options were limited.

"So we could either have instant ramen or peanut butter and jelly. Which one do you want?" I asked her. "Do you even have to ask?" I chuckled to myself and grabbed the ramen out of the cupboard and started making it.

As I was moving around the kitchen, I noticed that my ribs were starting to hurt a little which is weird because they were fine an hour ago. My whole injury is weird. It looks really bad but then it will either get a little better or get worse.

I don't know why this is happening. I thought Isabella's ideas were supposed to work.

"Are you okay Athena? You look like you are in pain." My head swiveled to the side and I made eye contact with Via. She looked really worried right now.

She Was UglyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ