Part 15: Unmasked Amity

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"Ok, Paladins! I understand you had some difficulty yesterday. Please understand that you must be able to function as a single unit in even the most stressful of situations." Allura's authoritative voice comes through the comms. Lance lazily flies Blue around, noting where all the other lions are moving.

"Your goal is simple. I've set up several targets that will project into this planet's atmosphere, but they will be moving very quickly. Attack them all before your timer runs out. The number of targets will increase with each level."

"And we're doing this all as Voltron?" Hunk confirms.

"Of course. Your mental link is still quite weak. Your strategies shouldn't be 'Lance's idea' or 'Pidge's idea'. You should all have the same thoughts at the same time."

"I hope you guys like thinking about corn dogs. Because I have a wicked craving..."

"Alright." Shiro cuts Lance off before he can make any more smart remarks.

"This should be easy. Let's prove yesterday was a fluke." His voice is optimistic. It makes the other Paladins more confident.

"Okay! Let's form Voltron!"

Forming Voltron is amazingly easy now, and Keith welcomes the feeling of being joined to the others. He breathes easy and grips his controls tightly.

"Alright! We've got this down!' Lance whoops loudly. Keith shakes his head and smiles.

"Oh thank Christ, they got together." Pidge sighs into her mic. There's a choking sound from Lance.

"What you don't...!" He starts to protest.

"Oh yeah, we do. You dog, you." Hunk teases. Keith blushes furiously in his seat. Ok never mind. He actually hates this. Never mind the joy of teams and finding somewhere he belongs. Please dump him back in his desert shack. Shiro's soft laughter echoes in his ear.

"Congrats Keith." His voice is gentle. Keith wonders if his lion has an eject button.

"I thought we had a goal here." He tries to remain professional. Form Voltron. Attack targets before the time runs out. It's simple, and he doesn't need people rummaging in his head and finding out how hopelessly gone he is for Lance's smile. How his voice first thing in the morning makes him weak at the knees, and how his hands against his chest make him feel...

"Awww," Shiro hears everything. Keith yells over Hunk and Pidge laughing hysterically. Lance is mysteriously silent.

"And I thought Lance was the romantic." Pidge giggles.

"Oh god, you don't think we'll know when they've had sex will we?" Hunk worries out loud. There's a smug chuckle from Lance.

"I dunno. Let's form Voltron tomorrow and you tell me." Even though Keith can't see him, he knows exactly what kind of shit eating grin Lance is wearing.

"I'm not having sex with you tonight, Lance." He drawls.

"Aw babe, come on! Let me dream!"

"Ok, ok, that's enough." Shiro orders. "Everyone stop bombarding Lance's and Keith's head holes. We're all very happy for you and wish you the best. But Keith's right. We've got a job to do."

"Right!" Comes the unanimous reply.

Voltron soars through the air with ease. Keith's red lion cuts down the targets with it's sword and they are picking up even more speed. Despite the difficulty of the exercise, it is somehow pleasantly relaxing. Lance takes a moment to switch his comms into private.

"Hey, it's just us." His voice comes through to Keith.


"You'll let me kiss you a lot tonight though, right?" And Keith has to laugh at how worried Lance sounds.

"Of course."

There's a giddiness from Lance's end.

"Ok cool. Just checking. Back to the task now."

"Switching comms back to the team."

"Shiro please pilot us into a mountain. We are too happy and I can't stand it." Pidge groans.

"Request denied." Shiro laughs.


Thank you all for reading Nightmares! I hope you all enjoyed it! 

I literally have two more episodes left in season 7 and i'm shook. I think I cried a few times.

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