Part 7: Unsettling Realizations

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It's late and the effort of their training session is catching up with Lance. They're all seated around a board on the floor, playing some sadistic Altean version of monopoly. Pidge is cleaning up, and Coran has to reprimand Keith several times for not following the rules. Lance leans against Hunk's shoulder. It's comfortable and at just the right height for Lance to doze on. He'll occasionally roll and move his piece when prompted, but he's pretty much lost track of the game. Hunk feels his shoulder start to become damp with Lance's drool.

"Okaaaay, I think it's time for me to carry off this guy to bed."

The others look up and chuckle at Lance's sleeping face. Hunk begins to shift his weight, when Keith springs up next to him.

"I can take him." He offers. Hunk blinks at him in confusion. Pidge guffaws, and Shiro smirks to himself.

"W...what? Keith, it's fine. I'm used to it." Hunk explains.

"No I got it." And before Hunk can protest again, Keith bends down and braces Lance against his side. He tosses one of his arms across the back of his neck, and he holds his middle tightly.

"Mmmm bed?" Lance drunkenly asks. Keith rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Going to bed. Now help me out by walking."


They shuffle out of the room with five pairs of eyes staring after them.

"DNA tests. I'm telling you!" Pidge thrusts her index finger into Shiro's face.


Lance isn't particularly heavy, but he is taller than Keith, which makes supporting him slightly more difficult. Thankfully, Lance is starting to wake up more now. Enough that he can walk himself, and enough that he seems to know where he is. They reach the outside of his bedroom door and he makes a small whimper of protest. Keith stops.

"Y...yours? Can I...?"

And with heavy lidded eyes and a breathy voice... how could Keith possibly say no?


It becomes routine. Lance doesn't even hesitate to waltz into Keith's room at night. He's got a small stack of underwear building up in the corner, and Keith barely blinks when he strips down to his briefs and crawls across him on the bed to take up his usual spot next to the wall. Keith's sleep pattern has not corrected itself, but he's getting used to the idea of actually sleeping through the night. Because of this though, he's had to actually listen to Lance's advice and start sleeping in just his t-shirt and boxers. No more fully clothed nights, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

But along with routine comes a level of closeness that Keith was not prepared for. He frequently wakes up wrapped in Lance's limbs, a mess of arms around his middle and feet tangled around his ankles. He feels Lance's breath on the back of his neck, and goose bumps raise along his spine. He cherishes the feeling of Lance's skin against his, but he knows he shouldn't get used to it. It doesn't mean anything.

It doesn't mean anything, he repeats to himself when he leaves to use the bathroom, and returns to find Lance blindly searching for him. It doesn't mean anything, he whispers under his breath when his weight hits the mattress and Lance's arms immediately ensnare him and pull him against his naked chest.

Keith can't get enough of the feeling. Just because it doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean he can't enjoy the sensation. He starts to chase it in training when they spar together. He probably grapples with Lance more than he should, presses him against the floor longer than is necessary, sits straddling his waist when Lance is spent and makes a time out motion with his hands.

Keith is in the showers after one such session when Shiro approaches him. His hair is damp, but he's fully dressed. Keith sits just in his boxers with his towel draped over his head. His eyes are closed and he's in somewhat of a meditative state.

"Hey, good job out there today."

Shiro's voice snaps him awake.

"Oh, yeah." He breathes. "Thanks."

Shiro sits down next to him.

"I'm really impressed with how far Lance has come. It's been really good for him to have you showing such an interest in his training."

"Well he needs it." Keith jabs. Shiro chuckles.

"You've sure been dedicated lately."

"We're a team. We're only as strong as our weakest link. We all need to be on the same page."

"Mmmm..." Shiro hums. "I suppose." He stands and rubs the towel on top of Keith's head. He pulls away with a grunt. Shiro laughs.

"But I've never seen you smile like that when you spar with anyone else." And he leaves.

Just leaves Keith with his red face and stammering mouth open.


Space dad in the building! Currently sitting in the hotel lobby and drawing some fanart😜

Reached #69 in cuddling today😸

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