Part 14: Thieving Osculation

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Each of them knows that they need to say something. Anything. But they push through the tension like a swimmer expertly moves through water. They dodge any nagging feelings and slip easily around each other, pretending that nothing has changed.

At the end of the day, they strip off their clothes and climb into bed together as normal. Their routine is still intact. Calloused fingers reach out to touch tan skin, and toes flirtatiously touch under the blanket. They forget about their friend's warnings. They forget about Voltron. They breathe easily knowing that the other is still there. Sleep comes effortlessly.

But it's not a restful one. It's about 2am when Keith is woken by soft, frightened murmurs and a trembling Lance. The sight of Lance so obviously in pain is still uncomfortable, the way his teeth grit and his eyebrows scrunch together doesn't suit his youthful face, but it doesn't cause Keith to panic as much as he used to. He knows what to do now.

He would never admit to it, but he secretly enjoys when Lance gets nightmares. It's an excuse to hold him close and indulge himself. When Lance is scared, he's allowed to whisper reassuring things in his ear and press his nose to the nape of his neck. Secure arms wrap around Lance's stomach, and he is pulled into Keith's chest. Their bare skin touching still sends a jolt of pleasure up Keith's spine. His fingertips brush gently between Lance's pectorals and he barely hesitates to press his lips to his ear.

"Hey, hey, I've got you." Keith closes his eyes. Tries to pretend he's holding Lance for a different reason. Tries to forget the ravenous sensation in his chest. Lance's breathing slows. His body leans against Keith's and he reaches for one of his hands and holds it in his.

"You're ok." Keith whispers and presses another kiss to Lance's hairline. "I won't let anything happen to you."

There's a heavy sigh and Lance squeezes Keith's hand tighter. Keith takes that as a good sign and smiles into the next kiss he places on Lance's jawline.

Lance shifts. He rolls over, but is sure to hold Keith's arm in place so that it still drapes over his waist. Keith pulls back nervously, but Lance catches his shoulder.

"No, no...." His voice is scratchy. He worries his lip. A faint blush appears on his cheekbones.

"Keep going." He asks. His eyes are glassy and sparkle in the dime light. Keith swallows.

With his pulse thudding in his ears, Keith places a chaste kiss on Lance's forehead. Lance hums contentedly at the contact. The small noise reassures Keith, and he places another at the juncture of his ear. His temple. His cheekbone. His grip around Lance's waist tightens, and Lance places his hands against Keith's chest.

He kisses between his eyebrows. The tip of his nose. The corner of his mouth...

There's an intake of breath. Keith looks at Lance expectantly, searching for some kind of meaning. Lance reaches out to stroke a thumb against his jawline. His eyes are sincere.

"Go ahead."

Keith's jaw goes slack. His fingertips, formerly so sure of themselves on Lance's hip, begin to shake. His eyes flicker rapidly between Lance's eyes and his mouth. He's terrified.

"Hey," And now it's Lance speaking in that caressing tone. He applies the smallest amount of pressure to the back of Keith's neck.

"I told you to go ahead."

Keith caves to the pressure and he's ashamed of the noise he makes when his lips touch Lance's. He can feel Lance smile against him and laugh quietly.

"Me too." And his hands twist in Keith's hair. Chaste kisses are abandoned, and they soon turn open-mouthed and desperate. Keith leaves nail marks in Lance's hips from how hard he holds on, like he's worried he might slip away. He bites at Lance's bottom lip, and swallows the delicious moan that follows it. Lance's lips are just as soft as he's always hoped.

Lance grips onto Keith and pulls him on top of him. Keith gives a little yelp, but he's soon back to making out with him enthusiastically. Lance can't get over how great Keith's hair feels tangled in his fingers. Keith continues to make breathy little noises and it makes his head swim. He has to pull back to catch his breath.

"Is that...?" Keith looks down anxiously with swollen lips. His hair is a mess and falls around him, and there's a dark blush across his cheeks. His muscular chest heaves from lack of oxygen.

"Fuuuuuck," Lance whines. This image alone could sate him for the rest of his life. He brushes Keith's hair back and runs his fingers along his throat.

"God you're beautiful."

Keith blinks at him in shock. In all of his wildest fantasies, he never imagined Lance calling him beautiful. It was too sweet, too simple, too much of everything he's ever wanted.

"Uh...I uh..." Lance's eyes widen. Keith smirks. There's the boy he knows.

"Were you not supposed to say that out loud?"

"I guess I had to slip up eventually." Lance rubs his thumb against Keith's cheek, who leans into the touch. He takes Lance's hand and kisses the back of his knuckles.

"So you've thought that before then?" He chuckles.

"Since I first saw you."

The wind is kicked out of Keith's chest. He's been dealt a blow he can't recover from. He stares at the boy pinned below him, who beams up at him.

"I like you, Keith."

Keith's stopped breathing. Something stings his eyes. Oh god, no. He can't cry at this. He can't let Lance see how those words rip through him like fire. He falls forward and buries his face in the crook of Lance's neck and kisses the sensitive flesh there. Lance gasps and fists at Keith's hair. The sensation is almost too much. There's teeth, and tongue, and sucking. It starts to become painful, but Lance doesn't pull away. Keith releases the skin with a wet pop.

"Did you leave a mark?" Lance gasps. Keith nods against him.

"So you don't forget." He mouths at his ear. Lance makes a questioning sound.

"That I don't like Shiro, you absolute idiot," Keith grumbles. Lance laughs and rolls over to face the boy in his arms.

"You sure?" He presses their foreheads together.

"I honestly wanted to punch you." Keith mumbles. Lance laughs loudly.

"Says the guy who thought I was straight. I'd been sending you signals for weeks." He rolls his eyes.

"You flirt with everyone else so obviously! Why didn't I get any cheesy pick-up lines! You know I'm not good with subtlety." Keith hisses in exasperation. Lance smiles and touches the tips of their noses.

"Mmmm, cuz you deserved better than cheesy pickup lines." He sighs. Keith rolls his eyes and kisses the corner of his mouth.

"We could've been doing this sooner, you know."

And Lance has to admit that that is a shame. He rolls onto his back and pulls Keith in so he lays on his chest. Keith is happy to oblige.

"I'll make it up to you." He promises. Keith presses himself closer. He's exhausted and his joints feel weak, but his pulse still flutters in his throat.

"I know how you can."

"Yeah?" Lance smirks. Because of course, Keith knows what he wants immediately. Keith hums and throws an arm across his chest.

"Sleep with me every night. Like this." He sighs. Lance angles his head to kiss the top of his head and breathes in the smell of orange blossoms.

"Too easy."

Their chests rise and fall in a steady rhythm. Keith feels sleep start to wrap its tendrils around him, and he listens to Lance's quiet breathing.

"So you're my boyfriend now, right?" Lance's voice cuts through the romantic silence.

"Oh my god, yes."

"Ok just checking, jeez."

"Go to sleep." Keith snaps, but there's no bite to it. The last thing he remembers is Lance's lips on the corner of his mouth.


Yooo it finally happened! Couldn't wait to post this one!

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