Part 12: Greedy Conduct

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Keith is many things. Impulsive, impatient, skeptical, socially inept... he's been described as all of these things, and to be honest, he doesn't disagree with them.

But he's never been called selfish.

But he is. Keith is becoming incredibly selfish.

He's selfish in how he hoards all of Lance's touches throughout the night. He sometimes lays there, just watching Lance sleep, committing to memory the way his mouth angles itself when it's slack and how his eyebrows sometimes crinkle when he's dreaming.

Keith will sometimes prop himself up on his elbow during the few lucky mornings he wakes up before Lance, and watch his chest rise and fall in an easy rhythm. He reaches out, guiltily, and runs his fingers through his short hair. He brushes the strands out of his face and relishes how Lance seems to lean into his touch.

Keith is selfish.

His chest aches.

Keith's self-indulgence reaches a peak the night Lance has another nightmare. There's shuffling and a wild foot collides with his shin, startling him awake. Lance is facing away from him, but it's obvious what is happening. The room is filled with small, distressed noises and Lance's fingers twitch against the sheets. Keith feels calmer this time. He's gotten Lance out of this before. He wraps an arm around his warm belly and pulls him against his chest.

"Lance, Lance...." Keith coos and pets his hair.

"You're okay. Everything's fine. I've got you."

Lance melts against him. There's a small gasp of breath indicating that he's somewhat awake now, and one of his hands holds onto Keith's as it strokes up and down his stomach in calming motions. Lance laces their fingers together. His heart still thuds so hard in his chest that Keith can feel it in his.

"You're safe. Your family's safe." Keith whispers into Lance's ear.

Then he does it.

It feels natural. A protective instinct. Comforting a friend he tells himself.

He lightly kisses Lance's temple. Just on the hairline. Keith doesn't even realize what he's done until his lips leave Lance's warm skin. He freezes and waits for him to jerk away.

But Lance doesn't move. Their fingers are still clasped together against his stomach and his bare back still presses into Keith's chest.

Keith is selfish.

He goes in again. And again. And again. Lightly kissing around Lance's hairline and ear, whispering little reassurances at the same time, until he hears Lance's breathing return to normal. He places one final kiss on the tip of his eyebrow, then relaxes back into the mattress. Keith lets out a shuddery breath and he's sure Lance can feel it on the nape of his neck.


Sirens blare.

Shit shit. It's been so long since they've been caught off guard like this. Warm bodies quickly separate and the rush of the cold air on their skin fully wakes them up. Stiff ankles and knees crack as they sprint down the hallway, and fingers shake and claw at armor and helmets.

A Galran fleet. It seemed to just appear out of nowhere, surrounding the castle. Allura relays all this information on the way to their lions. Lance straps in and ejects Blue into space. Keith counts to 10, then does the same.

"Alright team. We've done this before. We can do it again." Shiro's commanding voice crackles in their ears. There's a hum of acknowledgment from everyone else.

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