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Saiki does that thing where he talks without moving his lips- "Word"

Saiki actually speaks- "Word"

Saiki is thinking- 'Word'

_thx and enjoy_


Guess what!! I'm going to the mall with Kuriko-chan!!

 She texted me really suddenly yesterday and I'm off today at work. "Life is so amazing. I'm glad I moved here." I grin, jumping into my closet.

Saiki POV

What am I doing you may ask? 

I have absolutely no idea.

I will pay for whatever clothes she wants and fulfill her materialistic needs. In return, I won't feel like a horrible person and I could easily take her existence out of my life. 

All fixed in one day.

Only one problem, 'Kuriko' doesn't have any female clothes.. I had to sleep in this form because it would take me a while to be able to change back.

 I get up and walk downstairs. "Saiki! Why are you still in that girl form." Mom asks, humming to herself.

 "Ah, honey. He's trying to experiment. It's normal for kids his a-"Don't even think that of me." I block him out. 

"Ah, yes. Saiki has a little date today~~" Mom coos. 

I glare at her.

"Oh, I always take your phone at night. To see how social my little butterfly is coping." She buzzes satisfied.

 "Big news, wow!! You see to win the girl you have to play it smooth." He chuckles. I'm already a foot out the door.

 "Wait before you leave. Never give up on your dreams!" They both call out. 'I don't know them.' I think to myself, seeing the neighbors stare at us. 


To be honest I keep expecting Nendo to jump out of no where to attack me.

 Or Teruhashi and her group of fans. Except I'm just walking down the street quietly. They might be way too clingy, but... they were okay.

I sigh, making it to (Y/N)'s front door.

She's dressed in a large gray hood and jeans. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail. Just as I had expected,  knowing that she was obviously short on money at the time.

 'I hope she isn't wearing anything too pretty.' She worries in her mind.

I make my appearance, as soon as she sees me her face relaxes and her mouth turns into a smile. "Kuriko-chan. You're still wearing your school uniform. You need more clothes. This may be a fun time for both of us.~" She giggles.

 She greets me in another hug, before tugging on my hand to go to the train.

 We get on board and it seems like it's impossible to stop her from smiling. "So what did you tell your brother? In fact what is his name?" She asks.

 "Yes..Kusuo Saiki." I mumble back.

 "Kusuo, huh? Both your brother and you were named very beautifully." She compliments. I nod in response staring at my legs.

Coffee Jelly Love (SaikixReader)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now