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Saiki does that thing where he talks without moving his lips- "Word"

Saiki actually speaks- "Word"

Saiki is thinking- 'Word'

(B/N)- Brother's name

_thx and enjoy_

Saiki POV

Well, I'm myself again. 

Now that I've bought the clothes she wanted. I just have to give it to her today and I can finally be rid of her. 

I'll just say 'Kuriko' moved away.

 I took (Y/N) home after the train ride and came home. I'm laying in bed right now. I just check (Y/N)'s thoughts quickly, before closing my eyes. 

'If I work overtime for this whole week, I should be able to afford that dress for Kuriko and have money for food.' She plans her approach to getting the dress for me on time. 

I sigh.

 She's treating this clothe as if it's necessity for me.

 'I've go to work hard..' I can feel her start to doze off.

 Suddenly her thoughts go silent and she's asleep.

 I glance at the shopping bag beside my bed. I wonder what she'll look like when I give it to her. She always has some dorky expression on when she's happy.. 

My eyes start to flicker as doze off also.



I get up with a confident air flying around me.

 "Gotta get that dress~" I smile, sliding off my bed.

 "Nee-san. Come back quickly okay.." My little brother walks into my room.

 "Ah sorry (B/N)." I bend down and pinch his cheeks. "I have to work overtime this week." I smile.

 He pouts.

 "So not fair! I don't wanna make my own dinner." He flops on my bed, hiding under the sheets.

 "Haha, guess you're going to have to." I laugh, pulling my hair into pigtails and brushing it down. "My job is going really well and I found my first friend.~" I talk to him but, mostly to myself.

 "Oh! Is it that girl I saw yesterday?" He speaks up.

 "Mhm. That is Saiki-san to you. You can call her brother Saiki-kun." He jumps up, helping tie the company bow around my neck.

 "She's like a robot. I was looking at you guys talk and she stared at me super creepily." He shivers walking back.

 "Yeah, but she's really cool when you get to know he- OH! You're getting really good at tying knots!" I compliment him feeling it from behind my neck. 

He beams proudly.

 "Next month we're going to have enough money to buy me a gameboy right?" He questions walking out my door.

 "Mhm~ I promise." I say. He grins before walking out. 

"Time for work." I huff strongly.


I stand next to a kitchen door as people flood in.

 Unfortunately the other waitress Mera was out on some trip this week. So now all these people are mine.

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