The Nymph

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"What the hell is a nymph?" Melanie questioned, swaddled in a blanket on Issac's couch. She sat pressed up against Issac, and surrounded by her friends.

Plus Knoll.

Knoll wasn't her friend, he wasn't even close.

But there he stood, with Payton and the rest of the wolves. They were all called here by Knoll, who figured his ground breaking discovery was necessary to share with everyone.

"It's an old legend," Payton replied, "Basically nymphs are girls who are in tune with nature and what goes on around them. They're also supposedly very intelligent and manipulative."

Payton's explanation made absolutely no sense to Melanie.

"But I'm not intelligent," She paused, "Or manipulative."

"You very much are," Knoll interrupted. Melanie shot him a look, wondering why he thought his opinion was valuable.

"You've known me for less than a week, I don't think you know everything about me." Melanie snapped, calming down when she felt Issac rubbing her thigh.

Melanie was mad at Knoll, and everyone could tell. She didn't like people making assumptions about her, especially when these assumptions made no sense.

But then Payton spoke, knowing that she had more luck with Mel.

"Melanie, you were able to see a wraith. Normal wolves can't see them, let alone hear them. And you said that you came in contact with one that resembled Joe, only nymphs can do that."

Melanie looked at Payton, who nodded to solidify her former statement. Still, Melanie had a hard time believing this.

"Why would I be a nymph though? There's literally nothing special about me," Melanie said.

Issac however, disagreed.

"I don't agree with that," He spoke, "I think you're pretty special."

Melanie looked softly at Issac, trying hard to hide her smile. She couldn't though, and neither could Issac.

The pair stared at each other for a long time, forgetting about the rest of the people who stood there watching. They watched with amazement at the look that Melanie and Issac shared, it was definitely a rare sight to see an alpha and a beta share that sort of bond.

But Melanie realized the unwanted attention, and looked away from Issac quickly. She reminded herself that they were stuck on a topic, and she could feel that Knoll was dying to get to the bottom of it.

"Alright, Knoll. So maybe I sensed something that I shouldn't have today, big deal. I don't see why there's so much excitement over it." Melanie said, leaning against Issac's chest.

Knoll sat down across from Melanie, folding his hands together. He stared at her like a science experiment that fascinated him.

"Because you don't realize how cool this is!" He replied, "Melanie, nymph's are a dying breed. One that I haven't seen in a long time, and now I'm looking at one."

Everyone could tell that Melanie still did not believe she was a nymph, but Payton had an idea.

"Knoll," She said, "Isn't charcoal toxic for nymphs?"

Knoll thought for a second, before he nodded. Charcoal was indeed toxic for nymph's. He looked to the fire place in the living room, going over to it and scraping some charcoal off of the bottom.

He didn't hesitate to rub it across Melanie's skin, and then sit back. Seconds passed with no results, and for a short bit, Melanie thought she was right.

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