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Welcome back. Hope you all are ready for this chapter causeee I'm not. Bad bad things happen. Jk jk maybe just a little. ANYWAYS COMMENT PLEASE IT HELPS ME WRITE.

Wet and cold rain mixed with snow let down on the small town. It had unleashed its furry as the heavens cried. They cried because Melanie cried. She cried over her loss, which had finally snuck it's way back into her head, filling her with grief.

"Get up!" She cried at Issac, her voice raw from screaming. She had been screaming for minutes, while Knoll had been desperately trying to save his cousin, who had fallen unconscious shortly after they'd escaped the house.

"Melanie, stop!" Knoll yelled, not being able to focus with Melanie's panic and Issac's fading heartbeat.

This did nothing though, Melanie still went berserk.

"Knoll, please save him," She cried, "I can't live without him."

Knoll tried his absolute best to ignore her, to just focus on the chest compressions and saving Issac's life, which was slipping away by the second.

Knoll knew of nothing else to do. He didn't know how he could fix his cousin, who's burns and injuries were far more severe than chest compressions could fix. And not to mention, his wolf healing hadn't kicked in yet.

It didn't seem like it ever would.

It seemed like Issac was going to die, like he had no fight left in him.

And Melanie and Knoll crouched down by Issac, fighting against fate which had creeped up to them like a dark cloud. But as fate pulled, the pair pulled back.

Neither of them was ready to let Issac die.

Knoll's chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth was the only things that kept Issac hanging on. But it was starting to fail like they knew it would.

"Please don't leave me," Melanie cried, "Please."

And as Knoll's tired arms gave out on him, and Issac's breathing ceased, that was when it was over. That was when they both knew it was over.

Knoll's pause had just cost Issac's life, who laid defeated on the ground. As this happened, Melanie's head dropped down onto Issac's chest. Her mouth released a sound that echoed through the forest for all to hear.

It was the cry of defeat.

"No," She screamed.

She clutched him with her might, still screaming for him to come back. But he wasn't, he laid there dead.

Knoll stared with an empty gaze at the sight in front of him, he stared at the girl who had now lost everything. He didn't believe that this would ever happen, that his short time of being around Melanie would reveal how the rest of her life would go.

And he pitied her, more than anyone.

And he blamed himself, more than anything.

He slowly scooted away from Melanie, who's painful pleas and prayers filled with despair was all that was filling his ears.

He wanted to apologize, to say that he just wanted to help. But his words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't get them out. It felt like he was being choked by his words, and right now he wished he was. Right now he wished that it was him instead of Issac who was dead.

But he could never take that back.

And as Knoll began to leave Melanie, ready to take the cowards way out, the leaves began to change. They didn't change literally, but the scene that had just unfolded in front of them seemed to fold back up. It seemed to begin to repair itself.

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