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Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update as often! I wish I could but I've started school, it's so hard this year.
Anyways, enjoy.
There was a serenity in the air that filled Melanie's mind. Like the blending of the instruments in a symphony, it was supposed to bring peace and joy to her. But it still couldn't reach the darkest corner of her mind, where thoughts where feeding away at her like a lion on a zebra.

She was mourning Payton's death, which had happened exactly a week ago. The death of her best friend had left Melanie feeling a new sense of hopelessness, one that seemed worse than anything she'd felt before.

She still allowed the blame to fall on her shoulders, despite her friends saying otherwise.

"Payton," Melanie whispered, "If you're out there, and you can hear me, I just want to say that I'm so sorry. I want to say that if I had the choice to do those couple of minutes over again, I would've been the one in front of you."

A stray tear rolled down Melanie's saddened face, which hadn't shown a single smile since the accident.

Melanie didn't think that she'd ever be able to smile again.

She didn't see a reason to.

Melanie pulled herself to her feet, staring briefly at the drop off in front of her. She imagined what falling off of it would be like. Would she feel anything her body plummeted onto the ground, squashing like a pumpkin?

Or would it just end instantly?

She pictured Issac finding her, which made her turn from the edge of the cliff instantly.

I couldn't do that to him.

But she couldn't stop herself from looking back at it, before she sauntered away from it.

Her mind wandered as she walked, slowly towards Issac's house.

She wondered how he could love someone that was like Melanie, after all, she didn't think she was pretty or nice. She didn't understand why he'd dedicated everything to her, including his clothes and food.

She didn't feel as if she deserved the love that he gave her. And sometimes she felt as if it would vanish, leaving her absolutely lonely.

And then she wondered about Nutmeg, who had seemingly become much more involved with Mel. Everyone had, and Melanie knew why.

She tried to ignore it, however she couldn't. They were always around her. But thankfully today, everyone except for Issac was gone.

She was alone with Issac, and that meant she could feel somewhat alright.

Melanie finally reached his house, before walking in. She was met by Issac's eyes, and seconds later, his embrace.

"How's my queen doing?" He asked, pulling away to place a kiss on her forehead.

And Melanie stared at him with crimson cheeks, no matter how sad she was, he'd always got her when he called her cute names.

"I'm alright," She responded, "Could be better."

Issac frowned momentarily, before sending a soft smile her way. He placed her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the skin on her hand. It was cold to him, much colder than he wanted. He'd known that she'd just came from outside, but still he didn't want Melanie freezing.

"Let's go cuddle," He suggested. A rapid nod came from Melanie, before she skipped up the stairs with Issac behind her. The pair climbed under the warm polar fleece sheets, cozying up against the other.

Melanie's ice-like skin started to meet Issac's warm skin instantly. It was a fuzzy feeling for Melanie, the way her skin temperature rose to battle the brutal winter air. It brought her more peace than anything when she was against Issac.

He was her rock. And he was the only one who had learned how to distract Melanie.

But today, he noticed the additional sadness that wasn't around yesterday, and he decided to press her a bit on that.

"Baby, talk to me," He said. His beautiful eyes stared down into Melanie's, watching her every move.

Melanie knew that she wouldn't be able to hide anything from him, but she also knew that he wouldn't stop asking until she'd told him.

"I feel so lonely without her," She responded, "Like being in a room with hundreds of people, but still feeling like the only one there."

Her voice quivered during that sentence, and Issac saw the panic setting in. He grabbed Melanie's hand and started to trace patterns. He'd learned that this strategy almost always calmed Melanie down.

And yet again it worked.

She managed to clear the shakiness in her voice.

"She just did everything for me. She kept Joe off my back when she was around, she let me stay at her house even when no one was there, and so many other things. And I never could do anything for her, I was always the needy friend. And now my neediness is the reason she's gone."

Issac wiped the tears that flowed down her cheeks, before he spoke.

"I know I've said this so many times, but it is not your fault. It's nobody's fault except for that son of a bitch, who's also dead. Payton loved you Melanie, and she wouldn't want you blaming yourself."

Melanie stared at Issac, feeling even more sad by what he'd just said. She felt this sadness because she missed the love that Payton gave, she missed the motherly side that Payton pumped into Melanie's life.

But most of all, she missed her best friend.

"I wish I could talk to her, just one last time. Tell her how much I love her, and how I wish it was me."

"But I don't wish that it was you. I don't wish that it was either of you, Melanie, but I love you. More than anyone or anything, and I would be nothing without you. I need you." Issac's heart poured out into his brief speech, still it was enough to bring Melanie to a small realization.

If Melanie had went through with what she'd wanted to do, and thrown herself off of that cliff, she'd be putting Issac in the same position as her. She'd make it so all he could think about was the guilt and grief, and how he didn't do enough to stop it.

And this time, Melanie would be responsible for his pain.

She pulled Issac in tightly, pressing her face into his muscular chest. He held the back of her head like he always did, hand in her silky hair.

"I love you too, Issac Scott." She replied, minutes later from his speech, but still hugely important to Issac. It meant the world to him when Melanie said those words, more than she knew.

And Issac asked a question that had been on his mind for days, a question that was deeply important.

"Are we still going to the Caribbean's?" He asked, knowing that it had completely slipped from Melanie's head.

She looked at him, surprised. He hadn't mentioned anything about the trip lately, so she'd assumed that he cancelled it. But you could believed Melanie was pleased when she found he didn't.

"Of course," She answered. Both her and Issac knew that this trip would be an excellent way to give Melanie's mind some peace. It would be the opportunity to escape from this tiny town in the middle of nowhere, to go somewhere where Melanie and Issac would make great memories.

Issac smiled greatly, before crashing his lips to Melanie's. He couldn't hide his excitement now that the trip was still on. He would have a week of alone time with Melanie, meaning he got all of her attention.

There would be no Knoll, or Peter and Zeus, or the shewolves. Just the two lovers. And little did they know how close this trip was about to bring them, and little did they know that they would find out what their bond really was.

And this trip began in only three short days.

Very short chapter, I am sorry! I just had to get something to you guys since school is taking every waking second of my time! So I apologize, but the next three chapters will be less sad.

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