Waiting For The Other Shoe

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Thomas could barely focus during his last two classes. He shared History with Heather K. and could practically feel her eyes burning into him from her desk at the back of the room. Normally his Computer Science teacher's lectures interested him, but by the end of today's class he realized he couldn't even remember what it had been about.

Eventually, he stood outside of the school's front door, shifting nervously as students flowed around him. The Heathers had told him to meet them here after school, but he had been waiting a while with no sign of any of them.

A chime from his phone interrupted his anxious thoughts. He'd just received a text from Chloe, accompanied by a picture of her with a roller coaster in the background.

Hey! Having a blast here, wish you could be part of the fun. You doing okay?

He briefly considered how to reply. He may be having a crappy day, but he didn't want to drag down her mood.

I'm okay.

A moment later he received another text. His friend obviously knew him better than he gave her credit for.

I don't buy it, are you sure you're okay?

He sighed, and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

I'll fill you in later, cool?

Just as he was starting to consider giving up and forgetting about whatever plan the Heathers had for him, an expensive-looking bright red SUV pulled up. Heather M. was driving, with the others in the back seat. Heather M. waved him over. Other people were starting to look in his direction, students and teachers alike. He started walking towards the three, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets as went. He approached the window that Heather M. had rolled down.

"Come on. Sit up front with me," she called.

Hesitantly, Thomas grabbed the handle and pulled gently, as if this nice-looking car were a delicate treasure. He took one last look around, taking note of the unbelieving expressions on the faces of the onlookers. He got in, trying to get comfortable in the leather seat. His tension must have been obvious because as Heather M. started driving, Heather S. leaned forward.

"You don't need to be so nervous. We're not pranking you or anything," she said. "You are going to love what we're about to show you."

"What we told you earlier was probably pretty hard to believe," Heather K. agreed, "but you can trust us. I promise you, this is something good."

It occured to Thomas that this was the girl who had just dropped a sandbag on him. Could this trio really be trusted? It did seem like there was something sincere in their voices, and he really had helped Heather M. in the cafeteria. He still had no idea what they were doing with him, but maybe it wasn't a prank after all.

Heather M. nodded, her eyes on the road as they drove through the busy downtown. "We really want to be your friends, Thomas. You don't know how much you helped me. My reputation is everything to me, and slipping in the middle of the cafeteria like that would have taken forever to live down."

Without looking, she picked up her phone, typed in its password, and offered it to Thomas. "Here, look through my music and find something you like."

"L-look through your phone?" he repeated. It felt like he was being asked to look through her dresser. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I can't very well do it while I'm driving, right?" She said, mock exasperation evident in her voice

Thomas nodded and scrolled through Heather M's extensive music collection. It was mostly pop, some of it pretty cutesy. Thomas liked stuff like that, but it would have seemed weird to choose one of those albums. Eventually he selected some moody indie music.

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