Keep It Together

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Sophie woke the next morning feeling more relaxed than she had in a long time. Something was strange. She wasn't used to things feeling so right. A moment later, she remembered what had happened the previous day. In a flurry she was touching her body, checking to make sure it hadn't been a dream. Confirming that it hadn't, she laid back and sighed contently. She pulled her phone near and turned it on. Whatever strange side effect from the well that had caused it to stop working seemed to be gone. As it came back on, a message immediately appeared from Chloe, marked as sent last night.

Chloe: Hey! The waterpark was super fun, missed you the whole time though. Did you have time to hang out tomorrow?

Realizing that she had gotten this text last night, Sophie quickly tapped out a response.

Sophie: Oh sorry I didn't see this last night! I can't hang today, doing stuff. Txt you later?

She set her phone back down and smelled the sweet scent of pancakes cooking. Smiling, she rolled out of bed and got dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, the jeans now constricting tightly around her hips and butt while the shirt was a bit tighter than she remembered in the chest thanks to her new breasts. She picked up a spare hoodie, but laid it back on the bed instead. It was a nice day, why wear something so warm? She went downstairs to join her parents for breakfast.

Her father quietly tsked when he saw her on the stairs. "What were we thinking, buying you clothes that fit so badly?" he said.

Her mother looked at her with concern. "Is that why you always seem so unhappy when we go shopping? Because we've been buying you clothes that don't fit? You should have said something, honey."

Sophie didn't know how to respond. How could she explain that she never knew what was wrong whenever they went shopping, just that something was wrong? While she internally debated what to say, she stepped into the room and sat down. Her mother's concerned look turned to distaste and her father quickly pulled his newspaper up. What was that about?

"Actually, my friends are taking me shopping today. We're going to spend the whole weekend together."

"Which friends?" her mother asked. "Chloe? I hope you aren't letting that girl pressure you into anything."

"O-of course not," Sophie replied, stunned. Why are they being so weird? "She wouldn't do that. And anyway, these are new friends. Heather McGill, Heather Sinclaire, and Heather Kowalski."

Her father spoke without looking up from his food. "Kowalski, huh? I think I work with her mother. She sounds like a pretty strange girl."

Sophie remembered the sandbag incident and internally winced. "Yeah, she's pretty weird. But she's really nice when you get to know her."

"Well, Heather Sinclaire is an absolute sweetheart," her mother said. "She comes to my classes, you know. It's good that you're making some more friends. Especially with a girl like her."

Sophie heard her phone buzz. It was a text from Heather M.

Waiting outside biiiiitch.

"They're here. I've got to go," she announced, standing and rushing toward the door.

"Wait right there, young lady!" her mother called out after her. Sophie turned back and caught sight of her mother rushing after her, having apparently shoved the spatula into her father's hands for continued breakfast preparation. "Upstairs. You are not going out into the world dressed like that." Sophie gave her mother a confused expression. She picked up on this, and continued. "I can see your nipples very clearly through that shirt." She heard her father suppress a coffee-filled cough in the background. She looked down. Sure enough, her nipples were very clearly visible through the fabric of her white T-shirt. Sophie had always felt embarrassed about her chest before the wish, but this was different. Having other people see the problem too was so much worse. She very quickly brought her arms to her chest in an attempt to piece her tattered modesty back together.

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