Finding The Right Time

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"Prepare to turn some heads," Heather M. said as she parked her SUV. "You're a Heather now. People are finally going to notice you."

Sophie raised a hand to rub her still-bleary eyes, but halted when she remembered she was wearing makeup. Heather M. had awoken her unreasonably early with a text and Sophie had spent most of the morning working on her makeup. She hadn't even picked out an outfit by the time the Heathers had arrived to pick her up. Thankfully, Heather M. had already had an outfit in mind, as well as the additional gift of an inconveniently small but lovely bookbag, and the trio was able to get her dressed and out the door with time to spare even after an embarrassingly long hug and "Good luck!" from her mom.

Sophie's phone buzzed. It was a text from Chloe.

How's it going? Can't wait to hear about your weekend.

Sophie felt a stab of anxiety. How was she going to explain all of this to Chloe? Before she could come up with an answer, Heather S. got her attention with a loud clap.

"C'mon Sophie, let's show off the new you!" She said cheerfully as she reached into the car and grabbed Sophie's hand, nearly yanking her out the door. Sophie planted her feet to the asphalt parking lot, encased in the pleather flats that she had purchased at the mall. Smoothing out her black cotton blend skirt was nearly impossible with all of the pleats in it. Inhaling a deep breath, Sophie forced herself to think of something positive. She opened one eye and gazed into the window of Heather's car, the reflection of a beautiful young woman shining back. Slowly, it felt like the frayed bits of Sophie's composure weaved themselves back together.

As she took a step forward, Heather M. grabbed her arm with Heather K. flanking her other side and Heather S. on the end. Together they became a wall of beautiful people, designed to catch attention. And catch attention it did, for the usual reasons of "Heather!" but also curiosity at the new girl with them. Eyes followed Sophie as they continued their path into the school, whispers hushing low in revered tones as they passed by. Sophie felt a tapping on her shoulder and looked to her left, finding Heather K. looking at her softly.

"Where's your locker?" she asked in a gentle tone.

"Oh," Sophie replied. "It's near the History hallway." Heather seemed to accept this information with a nod as Heather M. picked up her pace, now dragging Sophie left into the History hallway towards her locker. Suddenly, Sophie's stomach dropped out from her.

"W-wait! If I go to my locker people will know that I'm-" she mumbles in a concerned tone before being interrupted by Heather M. ribbing her in the side.

"That you're what? Sophie?" she whispers in a low, frustrated tone. Once more cursing her loss of composure, Heather takes a breath. "The magic will handle this. You said that it worked with your parents, it's got your back here too." All too quickly for Sophie's taste she found herself at her locker. Fumbling a bit from her shaking hands, she opened the lock and began grabbing her books. After quickly gathering nearly everything she needed for the next two periods before gym, she looked up and frowned at a book located on the top shelf of her locker. She stood on her toes to try to grab it, but it remained an inch out of her reach. Jumping proved no more fruitful. She turned around in frustration only to see the Heathers standing behind her with incredulous grins on their faces.

"By all means, keep going," Heather M. said through a smug smile, and Heather S. stifled a giggle.

"Good one, Heather," Heather K. replied in a happy tone. With all three of them wearing high heels in one length or another they each had at least three inches on Sophie. Heather S. reached up and grabbed the math book from the top shelf and handed it to Sophie.

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