Late Bloomer

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On Sunday morning, Heather McGinn awoke to a text from Mark.

Mark: Guess who I saw at the fair yesterday? Looks like your new friend found herself a girlfriend.

It was accompanied by a photo of Sophie and Chloe walking arm-in-arm. Sophie was holding a stuffed frog in her free hand. Heather felt pride swelling in her. Sophie looked so cute! She had picked the perfect outfit for the fair, without even having to ask for help. Heather quickly tapped out a response.

Heather: That's just her friend, Chloe. Apparently they're really close.

A response came almost immediately.

Mark: Nuh-uh. I know when I'm seeing two girls on a date. My gaydar does not lie.

Heather sighed to herself and pulled up the private group chat she shared with the other Heathers. She sent the photo.

QweenBeech: What do you two think of this? Mark thinks they're a couple.

Heather S. replied first, followed almost immediately by the third Heather.

Feathered_Geode: Margo just told me that she saw them together. Aww, they're so adorable. I can't believe I didn't realize earlier.

HotSchatten: That does explain a lot. Like why she wanted to undo the wish for Chloe. She probably worried dating her while she was under its influence would be wrong.

Heather frowned at her screen.

QweenBeech: That's kind of weird, though, isn't it? If she likes girls, why would she want to be a girl?

Feathered_Geode: Oh! I know this one! Gender and sexuality are different. In other words, a boy can want to be a girl and still like girls.

HotSchatten: Plus, Chloe's pretty open about being a lesbian.

QweenBeech: Wait, you don't think her ideal body is female just because it's one Chloe would like?

HotSchatten: That's kind of romantic, in a twisted sort of way.

Feathered_Geode: Not a chance. Remember how much she likes getting dressed up and wearing makeup. Sophie loves being a girl.

Heather considered this carefully. How was she going to handle this turn of events?

* * *

You've been holding out on us.

That was the sinister-sounding text Sophie received from Heather M. on Monday morning. She considered sending a response, but she knew the Heathers would be there to pick her up soon enough, so she held off and instead spent the morning fretting about what Heather M. could be talking about.

When the Heathers finally arrived to pick her up, she was practically shaking as she stepped into her seat.

"So, Sophie. It seems you have some news for us?" Heather M. asked.

Sophie was confused. "News? What do you mean?"

Heather M. sighed. "You didn't go on a date the other day?"

"A date?"

"Come on," Heather S. interjected. "A bunch of people saw you. You didn't think you were being secretive, did you?"

Sophie's heart was pounding. This was about Chloe. They didn't like that she was seeing her. Was she going to be forced to choose between the Heathers and Chloe?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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