Chapter 8/Some People Aren't Who They Say They Are.

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Beth's POV{Point Of View)

"War? You mean, war, war? Like when people try to k-kill each other?" They nod in unison. I gulp.

"We must tell everybody in this castle to be prepared." She sighs. "We must tell everybody that...that you're a hybrid."

"Don't bother telling my friends in the dorm. They already found out. They got my schedule that both of you coincidently forgot to tell me about. I wonder why?" I cross my hands. "Were you going to make me not go to classes? Was I going to be locked up in my room or something?" They don't respond. I get up from the chair. "Just tell everybody that I am the creature that is going to be destruction to all, for all I care. Whatever. I just want to be normal." I plead.

"You'll never be normal." Derek says very seriously.

"Thank you for pointing out the obvious! Maybe, just maybe, I want to be just a vampire or maybe just a werewolf! That would be great! But wait I can't! Because I'm a hybrid! I can never have a normal life. People will always be judging me. Thinking that I am a demon child. Devil's spawn!" I walk to the door but right before I open it I stop. I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I open the door slowly and gently.

"You won't be able to do anything with daylight Elizabeth." I stop.

"I can't have sunlight anyway. The spell doesn't work. Remember?" I start to walk out the door again.

For some reason I feel really angry. I don't know why I should be this angry. Tonight feels really different. Not like the day I got here.

"There are always other ways to get what you want." I turn and see Mrs.Ladova holding out something. I look and see that it is a ring. A silver ring. "This is the same ring that the other hybrid wore. It's the only other way unless you want to wear a necklace or bracelet." I take the ring.

"I thought silver was supposed to hurt Werewolfs? So how can I wear this?"

"Wearing this for a hybrid is actually supposed to help you from silver. It will make it easier to bear the pain that the silver gives to you." I put it on and already feel some sort of power that I didn't when sunlight wasn't helping me. It feels great. I walk toward the window sill and place my hand on it. Nothing happens. The sunlight can touch my skin. Finally.

"Thank you." I start toward the door again.

"Word will be out by tomorrow." Derek says. I shut the door.

Except even though I have ring that made me feel better I still feel...rage. Anger. I don't know why.

I start heading toward my dorm but then I think, 'Why not just go out for a little stroll. It won't do any harm.'

Mrs.Ladova POV

"She's a troubled soul." I explain to Derek. "She has a lot to think about right now."

"You think I don't know that? It's just hard to see her like this after-" Derek stops mid-sentence. He rubs his hands on his face.

"It will be okay Derek. She will go on with normal schooling. This will help her. She'll know how to defend herself." I say to him to try to get his spirits up. "Maybe she'll learn about her real family too. That family of hers was pretty magnificent if I can say so." He doesn't respond. He just looks down at the cement floor.

"I'm going to go inform everybody about what has happened." He leaves the room.

Elizabeth is very alike when it comes to that last hybrid. Her emotions are the same. Her depression when she realizes she will never be normal. Well, as normal as us at least. Soon symptoms will come and really change her. Hurt her. She might even change into a wolf like last time again. Most definitely, she will hurt people. And if she really did see her friend Tali at the other school they will see each other again and one of them, will take the others life. That's always what happens. Friends fight friends. Family fights family. Vampires fight Vampire hunters.

I hear a knock on the door. "Yes? Come in." The door opens to see a girl come in.

"Hi. My name is Linda. I was just wondering if there is a headmaster for shape-shifters or something?" She asks me.

"There isn't a headmaster but there are councilors. Why?"

"Well I want to make a complaint. One shape-shifter is changing his or her form and going into other people's rooms for some reason. We don't know who it is though. Can you help?"

"I can do what I can." I say while smiling. I look around the room and find what I need.

"A mirror? Why?" She asks as we walk to the shape-shifter wing.

"You'll see."

I can already hear talking and screaming. One kid is I can see is punching other kids. I walk over to him or her. "What's your name." No response just eyes of rage that he or she got caught. I take him by the shirt and put him next to me. I hold up the mirror. Of course what I am doing only works on shape-shifters. If a shape-shifter is in another form the way you can alway find out is with a mirror or reflection. "Caleb." I say. "Why are you doing this?"

"No! My name is Jonah! My other brother is Caleb!"

"Ha! Nice try. Jonah if I remember right is doing work for one of the old students. So tell me again. Why are you doing this?"

"Because I was bored." He says looking down.

"You were bored? You terrorize people for amusement?" No response. "Well you're coming with me." I take his shirt by the collar and Vamp run over to my office, open the door, and place him in my chair. "How do you even know how to shape-shift? You haven't even started classes yet?"

"I was always...fascinated by shape-shifting." He slouches in the chair scanning my room.

"Nobody is that good by just reading in a book." He avoids my eye contact. "Do you want me to compel you or do you want to just tell me?"

"You can't compel me. No vampires can compel other supernatural beings!"

"I'm different. So do you want to tell me or not?"

"I don't believe you-"

I cut him off and get up from my desk and come towards him. "Do you want me to show you? Here I go, Tell me who told you how to shape-shift!" I look straight into his eyes and this time he gives me a response.

"Caelia. She is year three or four shape-shifter."

"Thank you Caleb. Now forget all this and walk back to your wing. Don't shape-shift in your dorm for the time being okay?"

"I will forget everything and walk back to my wing and I won't shape-shift in my dorm." He says like a robot.

I nod and go back to the dorm rooms. I know Caelia too well. She is one of our schools best shape-shifters, with mirrors for her she can almost get them to see what she looks like at that moment. But the mirror always flickers a little bit. She has been trying to perfect that for the past year.

I knock on her dorm that's on the third floor for a third year student. That door opens. Caelia looks at me. "Yes Mrs.Ladova?"

"Do you know a first year student named Caleb?" She shakes her head. "What about Jonah?" She nods. "Did you give Jonah any thing for shape-shifting?"

"Yeah. Why?" I look at her. "Did her use it? I thought her just wanted to know for some reason! I am so sorry." She says to me.

"It's okay Caelia. Thanks for telling me." She smiles sympathetically and then shuts the door.

Why would Caleb do this? It's probably not just out of boredom like he says. I could of asked him. I mean I could of compelled him. But I don't like doing that. I feel so powerful and power for me is not good. I like to keep not good things at a minimum.

"Have you seen Elizabeth? She isn't in her dorm room. I don't know where she could be. And I totally forgot what moon it was." I look and see Derek.

"Oh god. I forgot too and I am the headmaster!" I look out of one of the windows. "Tonight's a full moon."

*oh no! It's a full moon and they can't find her? That's not good!*

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