Life Is Only Just Opportunities

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It was over! Finally, over!

I shut the suite's door with a heavy sigh. Thank God!

Today's been the longest fucking day of my life. 

Immediately, I kicked off my heels whilst I leaned against the door and slowly slid down until I was plopped onto the ground. My eyes drifted to King who was starting to undress the uncomfortable pieces to his outfit. Gross. Go do this somewhere I couldn't see you, will you? Regardless, my eyes stayed there, absentmindedly going over his body and features as my mind went elsewhere.

More specifically, the Truvens...

By the end of the week, they said. Someone would be sent to take me away from King. But how? How did they plan on doing this? At what specific time? Where did I have to be for it to happen? Had they planted one of theirs in King's house already? I needed more information on this for me to stop mulling and subsequently stressing over it. I was brimming with nervous and excited anticipation, both at the same time. 

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll think you're expecting something."

I snapped from my trance at the monotonous tease. King was eyeing me as he unbuttoned his dress shirt. In an instant, I ripped my gaze away from him to show him that I was uninterested. If I could sleep in an entirely different room, I would. 

"I can sleep on the couch," I stated, glancing over at the sofa in the room. It looked comfy enough and there was an extra blanket and pillows in the storage closet. "Let's hope you don't snore-"

"Now that we're married, we need to act like it. You'll be expected to sleep in the same room as me so you may as well get used to sharing a bed," King interrupted sternly whilst chucking his shirt onto the bed. I curled a lip in disgust, feeling shivers run down my spine. No. No way can I do that. Even if I doubted he'd want to do anything with me, I still didn't want to share a room with him from now on, much less a fucking bed! 

"I'm fine with the couch. Besides, I doubt people actually care about this stupid 'act' as much as you think they do," I scowled as I brought my knees up to my chest. He was so insistent on making it seem like this was legitimate marriage but it was already obvious to everyone else that it wasn't. I don't see the point in trying to push it much further like this.  

I flinched and perked up with sudden attention at the sound of his approaching footsteps. When I turned back to him, I saw King stalking over to my crouched figure with an austere glint in his eyes. I scrunched up tighter as he narrowed in, squatting right in front of me and catching me by the chin. My heart was thumping from the proximity, his naked torso on display in front of me as well as the danger this man always held. What was it? What was he trying to do?!

"You are naive and foolish if you think that these people are any kinder than I am. The only difference between me and the Truvens is that they're much better at masking their cruelty than I am. Don't let it fool you," he warned as we locked into an intense stare of mental attrition. He threw my face away as he stood back up, eyes unrelentingly fixated on mine. "If people begin to see obvious signs that this marriage may not be legitimate, they'll be able to involve the police. And, though the police are incompetent morons, their power exceeds mine at times as well. And, they'll do anything to hold me accountable at this point," King muttered as he grasped onto his belt.

I swallowed nervously whilst watching him undo it. I didn't want to believe a single word of this manipulative man but for some reason, the somewhat sincerity of his tone lingered in my mind. Was he perhaps right in his caution towards the Truvens? I had thought them to be pleasant people but was he right in saying that they were just faking it? Could they have some other ulterior motive with the plan they had for getting me out at the end of the week?

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