Trust Issues

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So, this was Eloise Lettner, huh? 

It wasn't what I had expected from a girl as special as she was but then again, it wasn't as if her lifestyle had been anything extraordinary of any sort. 

I sighed and sipped on my can of Sprite whilst my younger cousins chattered on about some nonsense about school. I kept up pleasantries with a smile and exuberant demeanour but I wasn't really that interested in what they had to say.

I was more amused by how easily Eloise had developed feelings for Jake. But, then again, I've seen my fair share of girls fall hopelessly into infatuation with just the mention of him. This should help to reel her in a little bit nicer. And, after tonight, they'll be absolutely no reason for her to ever consider staying with Ashton again. 

The shrieking laughter of one of my cousins made me wince. Ah, man, I really wish I had a cocktail to drink instead right now. 

My eyes lingered at the door to the drawing-room, recalling Eloise's speeding exit. I felt sorry for her in a sense. It was so stubborn of everyone to expect them to host this welcoming so quickly after the wedding, given how it was the day both her parents had died as well. That must be shit for anniversaries but then again, I don't think they'll be having even one of them. 

Eloise would soon leave my brother after all. We'll make sure of it. 

"Oi, Nicki!" I cast my gaze over to Miyuki, staring at her expectantly for a moment before furrowing my eyebrows and choking on my Sprite.

"Miyuki?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I baffled as she sauntered over and kicked one of my cousins off of the couch to make room for herself. "Last time I checked, you weren't in the family tree." 

"I came as your cousin's date. The loser was so easy to coerce into taking me instead of whatever other bimbo he was planning on taking," she explained curtly whilst crossing a leg over the other. Loser. Easy to coerce. Hmm, sounds like cousin Maurice then. I took another sip of my Sprite as she continued to talk. "So, I heard you and Jake are going to be up to something. Care to share?" 

Up to something... 

"No, nothing of the sort. Where'd you hear it from?" I denied guiltlessly. Not with so many people around anyways. 

"You told Naomi but not me!" She spat out in offence. 

I shrugged and handed her my empty can. She grunted and chucked it over to one of my cousins instead. "I just didn't get around to telling you. Besides, I didn't even say much anyways. There's something else I need to talk to you about after all," I muttered, checking around to see if anyone was secretly listening in. Miyuki's eyebrow arched in curiosity as I stood up and nodded over for her to join me. "About the wedding. And, the bombing," I clarified under the whisper of my hushed breath. 

I bid a cheery farewell to my younger cousins before leading Miyuki through the drawing room. There were a lot of people in here. We should find someplace where it'll be just us to tal-

"Nicolette!" I jumped up with a fright, freezing on the spot right after. Shit. I've been spotted. And, by the worst possible person. "Nicolette!" I responded to the second call, knowing that testing this person's patience anymore will not end happily for me. Relaxing my shoulders as best as I could and straightening my posture, I turned around to face the voice behind me with a gulp.

"Yes, Mama?" I battered my eyes innocently as I watched my tall and strait-laced mother dauntingly stride over in all her esteem. The royal blue, Jersey knee-length dress with an over-sized sheath, highlighted the curves she retained despite her age with its pencil skirt. And, the colour gave her the aura of pristine which she carried with pride. 

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