Trump Card

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"Miss." I felt my closed eyes flinch slightly at the strong voice calling out to me. "Miss, we're here. Please wake up," it called again. This time I felt a small shake coming from my shoulder, stirring me from my slumber. Finally, my eyes opened to the world, heavy and drowsy. "Miss, are you awake?" I waited for my vision to focus and trailed my gaze over to a man emerging from the outside of the car door, looming over me. It was someone I had never seen before, calling out to me.

I sat up from my slouched sleeping figure and rubbed my eyes with one hand whilst taking the man's hand of assistance with my other. Was I...already here? I stepped out into the chilly air, snuggling into my huge padded overcoat as I took in the view of the mansion in front of me. Jesus, these billionaires sure know how to spend their money, don't they? How much does it take to even maintain this thing?!

I swear I'm never going to get used to this shit.

An icy gust of wind blew past me and I huffed out a puff of hot air, shivering as the man led me to the magnificent front entrance. So, this was the Devons' estate. Although, I was quite clueless as to where exactly we were located, however. I was sent here on a private jet and we had driven for an hour or two afterwards. I asked the men accompanying me where we were, but they responded with silence.  

It hadn't helped that I had strangely managed to fall asleep a few minutes into the car trip either. It was probably the drink the guard that was with me gave me. He most likely drugged it so that I didn't know the exact location of the mansion. Well, it couldn't be far off from Manchester since that's where we landed, but there was a large area of the surrounding property that was vacant, with only a few houses in the distance, so maybe the outskirts?

I took a look around, feeling the temperature of the atmosphere. God, it's fucking cold here. Well, as expected of England, I guess.

"Miss," my escort called out again, guiding me into the mansion. As soon as I stepped inside, the heater immediately hit me, filling me with warmth. Oh, thank god. I was about to grow an icicle from my nose any second there. The next thing which completely caught me off guard, was the reception I received from the short line of workers. There weren't many but a handful of maids had come to greet me. 

"Welcome, Miss Florenzo," they all welcomed in unison. I stepped back, confused until the man laid a hand on my back and urged me through the line which swiftly parted for my presence. What the hell? Was my visit that important? And, that name...Florenzo. I know that it was my father's but it seemed so unfamiliar to associate myself with it. All my life until recently I had been Lettner. And, then, regretfully, it had been changed to King. And, now to Florenzo. I wonder, what was next?

My eyes widened slightly at the grand spectacle the interior showed off. Mansions are always prettier on the inside than they are on the outside.

"Miss, this way. I'll lead you to your room to get changed into some more fitting clothes," a feminine voice resounded from my right. I turned and standing next to me was a woman - one of the maids from before. I padded over to catch up with her as she sped up a flight of stairs.

We travelled through the house, and the men that worked for Don Devons also mostly made an effort to acknowledge my presence as we passed by. 

The woman in front of me stopped at a particular room and opened the doors to it, welcoming me inside. I gave a brisk nod of gratitude before stepping inside to observe the place. I released a breath at the modern touch the room had to it.

God, every room in this mansion seemed to be so pretty. "A selection of clothes has been provided for you to choose from in the walk-in-wardrobe and the bathroom is just through that door," she informed, gesturing to a door by the other side of the room. I dropped my backpack on the bed and exhaled deeply. "Are you still injured, Miss? Do you need help dressing?" I snapped out of my trance from the room's design and shook my head.

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