Parent Teacher- Cougar...

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The next day Skyler walked in exhausted. She regretted going back out at Scott's SOS. Derek had Scott text her to get her in on their plan. He wanted to track down the alpha and stop him. "I already told you, just let me know what's up and I'm in if it means we get our lives back," she stated. Scott could tell she was off and the walk back home was enough time for him to ask her a million questions. She was tired and apologized after snapping on him. He understood where she was coming from he remembered trying to help Stiles through losing his mom.

Stiles, Isaac, Danny and Skyler looked at Winnie like she had three head as she walked into school. "What," she asked as they stared. "Shouldn't you be home," Stiles asked. "I'd rather be anywhere but there," she replied sitting down. She was quiet for most of the day. They made it to chemistry and Harris pulled her up before class started, "If you need to go to the nurse or the bathroom if it gets to be too much just let me know," he said clearly referring to her parents. "Thanks," she replied quietly and walked to her seat. He announced parent teacher conferences and asked for Scott. They all looked up and exchanged glances confused.  Stiles had out multiple highlighters and a cap in his mouth. "It's a text book not a coloring book Stillinski," Harris said before giving Jackson a similar talk to Winnie's.

Stiles spit up the cap and caught it. Winnie smiled a bit finding it funny and Skyler smiled excitedly to Isaac. Any win was a big step forwards at this point. They just wanted their friend to be okay. Winnie glanced up and tapped Skyler. She looked to see Stiles lean forwards to try and speak to Danny. "Oh no," Skyler grumbled. "Reel him in," Isaac whispered. "That's a lost cause," Skyler replied. "Danny," Stiles called. Danny tried to ignore him. He just wanted to get his work done so he could go back to coming up with ideas to cheer up Lydia, Jackson, and Winnie. "Can I ask you a question," Stiles persisted. "No," Danny replied. "Well I'm going to anyway," Stiles said leaning even farther forward, "Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" Danny sighed knowing it would be quicker to answer than to have Stiles hounding him. "No," Danny answered. 

"Can I ask you another question," Stiles asked almost falling off his seat. "Answer's still no," Danny said annoyed. "Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night," Stiles asked. "He wouldn't tell me," Danny replied trying to get back to work. "But he's your best friend," Stiles reasoned. Danny just tried to keep his head down. "One more question," Stiles pressed. "What," Danny snapped. Winnie and Skyler watched the train wreck of an interaction. "Do you find me attractive?" The girls held back their laughter as Stiles fell forwards. Skyler and Winnie both knew Danny thought if he grew his hair out and groomed himself he had the potential to be hot. Their added insight caused Skyler to strain herself holding the laughter back and Winnie chuckled smiling. Isaac was smiling more so because his friend had finally broken a full smile. 

Skyler heard Derek's voice. She walked towards it and saw the boys' locker room. "The hell are you doing," She asked as he walked out. "Checking on collateral," Derek hissed. Winnie and Stiles were trying to contact Scott and Winnie was glad for the distraction. Jackson walked out as Derek left. He rammed into Skyler and both apologized. She noticed he seemed shaken up and his heart rate was sky rocketing. "Did Derek come to threaten you," she asked pissed off. "No," he lied. "Oh he fucking did. I'm going to kill him," Skyler said mostly to herself. "Why do you care," he asked. "Just cause you're an ass doesn't mean everyone else is. Some of us actually care when people do fucked up shit and try to correct it," Skyler pointed. "Thanks," he said. She looked at him confused but shrugged. "Oh hey I had a physical therapist for my opposite shoulder, but she did wonders. I can give you her number," Sky remembered. "Thanks," he said surprised. She gave the number. "No worries, I was texting Lydia about lacrosse the other night anyways and it came up. Figured I'd offer it to you instead of her demand you do it," Skyler half joked. She left to go catch Stiles and Winnie.

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