Trust Issues

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"Ooh maybe it has something to do with the claws going into your neck," Winnie proposed. "Yeah," Jackson asked. "You know how we get flu shots," she asked. "Yeah," Jackson said. "Those are dead versions of the illness that our body learns to reject. So maybe the claws of his beta form transferred whatever it is that the bite carries and your body learned to reject it because it wasn't as strong as the alpha form but now that the live strand or alpha form of the bite entered your system it tried to fight it off," she proposed. "How do we fix it," he asked. "I don't know, maybe the bite of another alpha," she offered. "Why didn't you fold under pressure with Argent the other night," he asked her. "You know that PTSD I mentioned? I was held in three hostage cases two with a gun to my head. When I go through periods of freaking out like in the school I end up counteracting it with self inflicted exposure therapy. TLDR I have random outbursts of reckless confidence to compensate the crippling fear," she admitted.

Skyler sat at lunch and Stiles dragged her to Scott. He pointed out Boyd was missing. "The kid who works in the rink? You think Derek is trying to turn him," Skyler asked. "Yeah," Stiles answered. Stiles was to go to Boyd's home and see if he was there and Skyler was going with Scott to the rink. They were walking and Skyler noticed Winnie and Jackson in the library talking and saw her friend laughing with him. She was glad Stiles missed it and turned as Stiles said, "You know this new found heroism is really attractive on you," Stiles joked looking at Scott. Sky laughed as Stiles committed to the bit asking Scott to try making out. Scott shoved him away as they continued towards the rink.

Skyler sighed in relief to see Boyd on the zamboni. "Oh thank god," she mumbled. "We just want to talk," Scott spoke up. "Come on Boyd please," Sky pleaded. "Did Derek tell you everything," Scott asked. "Not just going out of control on full moons. Everything: hunters giving hemicorporectomies, never having a normal life, the works," Sky added. "He told me," Boyd said. "And that's not enough for you to say no," Scott asked. They sat in silence. "Whatever you want there's other ways to get it." "I just want to not eat lunch alone everyday," Boyd said. "You don't need to bite to make friends," Skyler replied. "If you are looking for friends you can do a lot better than Derek," Scott said. "That really hurts Scott," Derek said. They turned to see Derek with Isaac and Erica.

Sky looked to Isaac with betrayal on her face. The two looked at each other heartbroken to be on opposing sides. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus," Derek said. "You suck," Skyler remarked. He rolled his eyes looking to Scott. "Erica how's life for you been since we met," Derek asked. "In a word transformative," she said growling. "Oh I'm going to have so much fun kicking your ass," Sky said to her. "Isaac," Derek asked. "Well I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive but other than that I'm great," Isaac said. "Okay hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight," Scott spoke up. "Then go home Scott," Derek smirked. "He meant for them," Sky corrected growling and fire shot out this time. "That's new," she said. Scott shifted punching the ice. Scott threw Isaac and Skyler lifted Erica slamming her on the ice. Sky went to slam her down again as a hand grabbed her wrist. She locked eyes with Isaac and her anger raged fueling her skin heat up. Isaac flinched and growled after realizing she knowingly hurt him.

He gripped her arms despite the sizzling and the pain as he flipped her. Erica jumped up and attacked Scott. Sky pulled him down and pinned him, "I don't want to hurt you!" "You already did," he replied and flipped them pinning her. "You're going to have to kill me to beat me," she said. He faltered and she kicked him off into Scott. She pried Erica off as she tried to double team Scott. She had ripped her off of her friend by the girl's hair. "I wasn't done with you," Sky growled. She punched Erica in the face and flipped her onto the ice slamming her head down. Erica was out. Scott had taken down Isaac and the two stared down Derek. Scott told the two how Derek was only doing it for himself.

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