Stiles(Keys+Cars)= Oh No...

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Winnie watched Stiles's face drop as he received the news. He hung up and Winnie just pulled him into a hug no questions asked. "There was a mountain lion at parent teacher conferences. My dad got hurt in the chaos he was hit by a car. Skyler said he should be okay though," Stiles explained. He was holding on by a thread and she knew it. She let go as her phone rang. "Hey I'm out front," George said. Winnie nodded. "Okay coming down," she said hanging up. "I'm sorry," she started. "It's okay," he replied. She walked out and made her way to her brother's car. 

"No Danny," George pointed out. "He had to go to conferences because of his grades," Winnie replied. "So you and the sheriff's kid were alone together in an empty house," he said. "It's not like that. He's currently trying to win over the heart of Lydia Martin. We were just looking into something for Scott," she replied. George raised an eyebrow. "I swear on Cookie," she said referencing her childhood stuffed dog. George laughed. "Alright pooh bear," he teased, "you're off the hook." "And you aren't for the resurrection of the dead nickname," she stressed. "I have good news," he said. She raised her eyebrow. "I was basically cleared as your legal guardian. We just need to fill out the paper work," he said. She screamed out in celebration and hugged him. Finally something was going right for her. He pulled out from the driveway.

Skyler met with Isaac, Winnie, and Danny. They all noticed how happy their friend was. "Are you... okay," Isaac asked worried she'd explode. "George got custody. No moving," she explained. They all hugged her to celebrate. They noticed in english that Stiles refused to talk to Scott. "Oh no," Danny muttered leaving the classroom he was glad he wasn't a part of. "Why," Isaac. "TLDR he's pissed at Scott for getting his dad in the crosshairs of danger at the conferences last night," Skyler explained. They sat down and the day continued without incident. They took Stiles out to the mall to get his mind off of everything and to let Scott go train with Derek.

The next day Stiles was calmer, but he was still pissed. The girls watched as Scott tried to chip away at him in english. "I can't watch," Winnie declared burying her head in her book. "Tell me when the train wreck is over," she commented. "Funny how that works," Isaac said ironically and both girls looked at him. "The one that needs to study can't look away and the one who doesn't even need the class can't watch," Isaac said with a smirk still facing forwards. "I'm fine," Skyler replied. He turned to give her a concerned look. "I am," she defended. "Sky... you're a B+ away from academic suspension," he pointed out concerned. "What if you tutored me again," she proposed. "When were you supposed to ask me," he asked. "My aunt said to ask Danny two days ago," she replied. "She still thinks I'm Danny," he chuckled. "She doesn't trust me to talk to straight guys," Skyler defended. "If I so much as speak to a straight member of the opposite sex she thinks I'll get pregnant and have to drop out." "What about Scott and Stiles," Isaac asked. He knew by the look on Skyler's face before Winnie even replied, "Hah! She has no idea." "Wizinski, Garcia, Lahey," the teacher warned. They all snapped their heads back to their books as Scott pestered Stiles.

They walked out and stopped seeing Scott and Stiles speaking. They walked over after saying bye to Isaac. "He's picking me up from the animal clinic after work," Scott said as the girls caught up. "That gives me til the end school," Stiles said. "To do what," Scott asked. "Teach you myself," Stiles said. The girls smiled to each other excited. Scott went to make up a test as the girls went with Stiles to lunch. "How are you going to teach him," Winnie asked. "Haven't decided yet," Stiles said thinking through things. "Why do I have a feeling all of your plans involve him getting hurt to make up for what happened to your dad," Skyler asked. "Because you're intelligent," he said. "My grades say other wise," Sky noted. "The school system is rigged if only they could see your vast knowledge on classic rock bands and the history of hip hop and rap," Winnie countered.

Their classes were passing by faster with each period as Skyler sat with the two boys in lunch. "Hey, I got out of business," Winnie said joining them late. Scott had been trying to hide but it was shitty. Skyler made fun of Scott for never having seen Star Wars. Winnie didn't even get to sit by the time Stiles was taking her wrist and dragging her along with Skyler who was stopped by Lydia. "I'll meet up," Skyler said waving her friends off. Stiles brought Winnie to the coach's office. "Oh no," Winnie said. "Oh yes," Stiles replied and snuck in. He grabbed the heart monitor and pushed Winnie out of the room to avoid being caught. They had Scott meet them on the lacrosse field Winnie shivered as a water droplet dripped from her signature bun down her back. "You're going to catch a cold like that," Stiles informed while they waited for Scott. "You sound like my brother," she replied. "Take it," he said straightening the arm she had pushed back to reject the hoodie. "Nope," she replied. "Take the stupid jacket," he pressed. "I'd rather get hypothermia than admit defeat," she replied. "God fucking dammit Wizinski," he muttered putting it down as Scott approached.

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