5. Screams

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Dedication to Ellen_Reese

I got the idea to add a song to this chapter from her book Got Guts. #PrayForKevin. Go ahead and listen to it if you want. :) doesn't make it any less if you don't listen to it. Also I love the imagery in this song. 

How are you enjoying the book so far?

Anyway I hope you enjoy, do you think that she will be able to help this mystery knocker or will it be to late?

First and Last warning this chapter and chapters to come are getting gruesome. Trigger warnings such as rape, murder, etc will be in the chapters to come.


She sat up but was pushed back down on the chair. "Just keep eating the cookie." He whispered. She felt numb, what could she do? How could she help this innocent person? "You seem to be a lucky girl, bringing us a meal so fast." His hand ran down her bare shoulder, she shuttered in panic.

George made his way to the door and slowly opened it. "Hello?" He seemed like a different man from when he had kidnapped her. He looked concerned for the boy standing before him. She groaned remembering earlier that day, her collar bone tingling. The boy, about Jace's age, walked in. "What can we do for you?"

"My car broke down miles back, been walking all night. I was wondering if you had a phone or some gas? Food maybe?" He sniffed the air, he had obviously smelt the kitchens feast. She let out a small whine as the boy was brought into the dining hall and sat beside her.

"Go ahead and eat, we have plenty." He said with a wide smile. The boy began to stuff his face full of food, he didn't notice the human meat he was scarfing. She felt herself convulse into Jace, he took her into his arms. "We don't have a phone but I am sure you can get some rest here for the night." He said with a smile, all the kids looked ravenous like they were waiting for something to begin.

"Just behave." He whispered into her ear. She whimpered and nodded. He pulled her into his lap. The boy looked over but quickly returned to his meal as if what was going on was normal.

"So you said your car broke down, how far?" George smiled softly as he handed the baby a roll to play with.

"I was walking for two hours this way north, so a few miles." He smiled and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. She felt Jace tense like that was disgusting, she closed her eyes for a moment. All a dream all a dream.

She heard Sydney creep over to her. She patted her shoulder and gave her a sweet look when she grabbed the butcher knife off the table. "Momma may I?" She was seriously asking to stab him. The boy gave her an odd look, Max stood and came around and held the boy down.

Sydneys mother nodded, her father had pride in his eyes. The boy began to struggle as Sydney stabbed into his abdomen, he let out a blood curtailing scream. "What the hell!" He cried. Tears began to fall as Sydney jabbed the knife in farther her little hand entering his inside as the knife came out the other side. She had excitement in her eyes.

"Oh come now Sydney you didn't even let out guest have a cookie." Leslie said, she was one of the non cannibals but serial killers along side her wife Mandy.

"Sorry auntie L." She said her pout forming, Leslie kissed her head and shoved a cookie in the screaming boys mouth as Lexie handed her duct tape. They pulled his chair into the center of the living room his open wound leaving a trail of blood as he was pulled along. His mouth was duct taped while his arms were tied above his head, a meat hook, Anika hadn't noticed, sat above him, the rope that wrapped around his wrists was attached to it. His legs were duct tapped to the legs of the chair.

He was hardly breathing the cookie lodged in his throat, Sydney was bouncing around him singing songs about blood and guts. The boy was struggling and screaming against the restraints. The toddlers were clapping while the baby was watching emotionless, she seemed like a doll. Anika on the other hand was overly dramatic, she was sobbing; her petite form ragged as Jace held her whispering soothing words of love and encouragement in her ear. "It will be over soon love", "you are doing so well honey", "it isn't that bad, at least they aren't making you take part yet."


That word sent her over the edge, a shrill scream escaped her lips and she sobbed harder. The family laughed at the boy as he struggled. John the serial rapist and cannibal smiled as he handed Gracie a small butter knife. "Bring me his left eye." The man said patting the young girl on the head she and Sydney did it together. The eight year old popped his eye out while the six year old stabbed different areas of the body to distract him.

They were insane, the young girl brought the man the eye. John kissed her forehead and took the boys left eye in his large fingers. "Take a gander at this," he said and a few of the younger children crowded around him. "Grey, almost like the mist." The kids grinned as he popped it in his mouth. Anika let out another scream and tugged on Jace's shirt. Jace ignored her plead. "Throw up right now and you will be punished." She gagged and swallowed back bile, these people were horrible. Cookies no longer seemed appealing to her. The boy was shaking, loosing consciousness.

"Aww mommy he is dying already." Amin said.

"Jace have her slit his throat, it is best when he is barely there you can see the life leave his eyes," Brian said he chuckled. "Eye."

"No please no no.." She begged. "Please Jace anything but that. Please."

"I cannot disobey my father." He whispered in her ear. His eyes were full of panic, fear, and most importantly apology. He lifted her up to her feet. "Amin will you give me the knife?" Amin happily handed his older brother the bloodied butcher knife. He dragged her struggling form towards the boy, tears running down his face. His body bloody and mutilated. "I will do it with you."

"Please please.." She begged. "Please.." He kissed her forehead and holding her hand brought the knife across the boys throat. The blood sprayed over her face as well as her hand. She felt her knees give way, Jace caught her as he stabbed the knife into the boys body to adjust her. He slung her over his shoulder carefully.

"She did well for her first night." Tom said with a smile patting his shoulder. "You taught her well, clean her up when she wakes. I will bottle the blood, you and her will take a bath in this during your party Jace." Tom said with a nod. Jace felt pride wash over him, she had killed a person and eaten human in just one day. It had to be a family record.

Family record, it dawned on him he hadn't added her name to the roll yet. He would have to later, after he told her the story of how this all began. Why they did what they did, why they live how they live. He heard his family cheering down the stairs, another kill within a few days, their freezer was filled to the brim now. The boys blood was still dripping down their faces and hands. He laid her on the floor and slowly began to remove her clothes, he was taking it all in. Her fair blonde hair was dark with the sticky blood, he began a bath the warm water pooling in the tub.

He returned to find she had curled up. He grumbled not being able to take in her full body, he hadn't gotten to her bra or panties yet. He noticed her beautiful skin was littered in bruises ranging in size and shape. He growled balling up his fist. She did not deserve this treatment, only he could punish her for acting out, and yet these wounds he knew were not from miss behavior but rather evil of the outside world.

His parents were right, this place was safer for those in the family.

Like her.

His family. 

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