9. Part two; Its All For you

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OMG guys you are so wonderful 1k reads!!!!

want to thank you all so much

was listening to the Sweeney Todd (because its a musical about a serial killer and a women who makes meat pies out of his kills) so if you want listen to either one i posted to get what i was listening too

it fits well actually!

side note i love how Sweeney Todd in My Friends is singing to his knives and Miss Lovett is the third wheel in the background while he's singing a love song to his knives.

Epiphany is a little more Jace but like knives and love songs XD!

*Also uhm I would love your input so far!*


"Sit down baby girl." Jace commanded, it was the first time she saw the same hungry look in his eyes as the others, animalistic. Pure and full of rage, rage commanded his movements as he used the new handcuffs and sat her on the comfiest chair. "I want you to watch what I would do for you. Leave us alone please, thank you for the presents. I think I want to do this alone. Just with her, and these rats." His family shuffled out of the house. The children waving to her parents with wide sadistic smiles, they shook and shivered in fear.

She was struggling in fear as she was adjusted in the chair. "Calm yourself my love, this will be over when I prove my love to you."

"How is this proving your love to me?" She questioned as he walked towards her parents with a wide animal like smile, his eyes almost dark. "Jace..you..don't have to do this for me! I know you love me anyway, please don't kill them Jac-"

"Enough!" He snarled, she jumped in surprise. "I'm sorry love, but I need to know and ensure that these pigs can never hurt you again." He said as he rubbed her cheek carefully, he kissed her sweetly then returned to her parents. They were screaming into their gags, he smiled as he pressed the tip of his knife to her fathers neck.

Tears streamed down her face, he was a monster; he was just like them. She thought he was different, someone she could grow to love, but now she was certain he was just as much of a monster as his family. She watched in terror as he slowly began to cut up and down her mothers arms. The blood welling around the cuts and dripping down covering the floor. "Please Jace...I will do anything if you let them go, or make it quick!"

He stopped and turned to look at her for a moment seeing the tears rolling down her face made him stop, hesitation. "Anika baby girl, you are practically my wife, I am sworn to protect you, and these two horrible people hurt you, will make you remember a past of pain."

"Jace please." She was begging. "Anything Jace, anything. They aren't worth it, they aren't worth the knives and the pain." She realized that she was going to need to appeal to the killer inside him. "If you kill them today you wont have them to play with later." Her parents eyes grew wide, she was sick in the head.

"Anika, please baby girl. Let me do this, you don't want to ruin my birthday now do you?" He asked caressing her cheek, he kissed her lips then sweetly began to walk towards her parents again.

She gulped. "No Jace, I..I wouldn't...." She was conflicted, the thought of him doing that to her, even in a small amount was petrifying. She was terrified that he could hurt her, he acted as if he didn't want to, but the thought of him even touching her at this moment with the way he was being so vicious with her parents. He was done listening, done thinking, they were going to be tortured and they were going to regret what they did to her throughout her life. He was angry, his girl was harmed by these monsters, he was going to kill them.

Their screams filled much of the night, she was trying not to cry and attempting to sleep even thought the chair was comfortable it wasn't comfortable enough. They were nothing but withering shells of people, bloody and crying. Her mother had passed out after an hour and a half, her father was the weaker of the two for an hour in he peed himself. She couldn't help but laugh, he was right they were terrible people and they deserved to be punished for hurting her.

"Jace..can you untie me, my wrists hurt." She begged, her wrists were raw from attempting to move.

He turned. "Your wrists, oh my god i forgot I handcuffed you baby girl." He whined as he made his way towards her. He kissed her up and down for a few moments and then finally let go removing the handcuffs. He rubbed them carefully to ensure they weren't to badly injured. "Can you grab me the salt babe?"

"Salt, what for?" She asked looking him over, she was purely confused.

"Grab it and you will see." He said, she nodded as she hesitantly walked towards the kitchen grabbing a container of salt. She handed it off to him he smirked and walked up to her still conscious father. He began to poor the salt over the open wounds, he screamed in agony. "Salt is good for seasoning, and murder." He chuckled. "I think it is enough for tonight. Go to bed I will be up in a minute love." She nodded and ran upstairs locking herself in the bathroom, what was happening, why was this happening, it was all a dream right? She would wake up and it would be a dream, wouldn't it?

He dragged them both out to the barn, they were covered in mud and blood. "I will finish you both in a few days. I hope you ate well before you came cause I think I will make you suffer, starve you like the animals you are." He kicked mud at the mans face and made his way inside, Anika was asleep on the bathroom floor, she had unlocked the door but didn't make it much farther. He picked her up, changed her and laid in bed. Dreaming of the nightmare he would become.

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