20. Snapped

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So after losing this chapter two different times because my computer hates me this is the third attempt, three times a charm right XD

Anyway i hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Thank you for getting me so far with this book


Also quick question I am currently on the second draft of a book 80k+ words, would any of you be interested in buying it to read when and if I ever get it published? I would love to publish it and appreciate your support, it is a fantasy YA novel and it is safe for children!

Thanks again and enjoy the reading!

Keep commenting, voting, leaving suggestions etc


Anika woke to Jace staring at her, she jumped and sat back against the bed frame. "Are you okay?" He asked as if he didn't realize he had scared her.

"Yes..you just spooked me you were staring at me while I was asleep."

His face went white. "You mean people don't do that?" He asked back, confusion on his face. She almost laughed, but was still afraid.

"Yeah..people don't normally do that. I mean sometime, they do..but most of the time..its not normal.." He blushed and nodded understanding what she meant. "It..Its alright." She replied, he nodded and picked up Carter who was crying. Suddenly there was a gunshot, she jumped and Carter began to cry harder. He handed her the baby quickly and raced down the stairs when she heard another gunshot and a glass shatter.

She locked herself and the baby in the bathroom, who was there, who could possibly be here with a gun? She watched out the small window, but couldn't see anyone. She heard another window shatter and heard a boy screaming.


She heard Max yelling, he was angry with someone. Waving a gun around, she was afraid that he could hurt her and her babies. Jace raced up the stairs. "Baby?"

"In the bathroom," she replied slowly opening the door, Carter babbling. "What is happening?"

"Max snapped or something...I don't understand..he shot..oh god he shot himself in the leg.. and almost got his sister."

"You need to take him to the hospital." She said softly. "I know you dont want to but..you need to."

"We have medical supplies here, we are fine. Charlie is a doctor, its fine." He replied back. "He helps all the moms give birth, he can get a bullet out." She let out a small sigh, he was going crazy.

She finally decided to ask him a question. "Why is he going crazy?"

"I dont know, he just like snapped, his mom said he started yelling about something and then grabbed a gun. Started shooting, hit himself. I think his sister made him angry?"

"Can I go and ask her?" She asked handing him Carter.

"Yeah I suppose..just be careful." He replied as she began to walk away, he held the baby carefully and paced fearful she would return harmed.

"Lia?" She asked seeing Charlie digging the bullet out of his leg while he was tied to a tree to keep him from hurting anyone. The girl looked her over.

"I didn't mean to make him mad...I didn't want to.... I thought he was having fun..and joking around with me..but then I..then he freaked out." She replied. "I just joked...and he..freaked out."

"What did you say to him?"

"Well..okay..he is uhm...interested in..males as well as females and I joked that our parents would get him a boy to have for our family instead of a girl. He didn't realize I knew the things he was doing..reading magazines...uhm...raping the boys.. when no one was around..and he freaked out. He freaked out that I knew..and he wanted me dead so no one found out." She realized Max knew she knew things that he didn't want anyone to know. Rage was in his eyes.

"You mean he likes boys and girls." She asked. "Well that isn't any bad."

"But he was upset with me and freaked out." She said softly crying. "He is so angry with me..he wants to kill me because of what I did." She whimpered. Anika pulled her into a hug when Max was let out of his binds.

"Now Max its nothing to be ashamed of." She replied turning to him. "Please just calm down." He was still raging, his shoulders going up and down with speed as his breathing began to grow heavy. The two began to walk backwards slowly as he followed them. His face was red wth anger, however he kept silent and hobbled back to the house, his jeans covered in blood.

"Is he alright?" Lia asked. "Mentally?" She almost laughed, she was asking if he was mental. They all ate people, they all murdered and raped people, but did he have issues.

"I..I don't know..I need to get inside." She replied rubbing her stomach, Jace had been watching from the window. He wanted to kill Max, but knew if he did then bad things would happen to his small family. He held Carter close to his body as she made her way back into the room.

"I was terrified that he was going to hurt you but I couldn't hurt the baby..I wanted to run to you."

"You did?" She asked, honestly surprised.

"Yes of course darling." He said kissing her quickly. She blushed, but felt almost sick to her stomach. She raced to the bathroom, and Jace held her hair as she did, Carter now asleep in his crib.

"This baby is going to take forever..isnt..it?" She asked, not wanting to say he. She almost hoped it was a girl just to spite him. However if it was, she was worried he would be angry with her. She was worried he would grow angry with their daughter. He terrified her still. He was everything that made her shiver, and yet he was also handsome and interesting.

"Yes he will." He replied. She wanted to cry as he said that, and that she did, but played it off. "Are you alright darling?"

"Yes..I just am so happy to be having a baby." That part wasn't a lie, but she was upset that he was the father.

She was on the verge of snapping, but how would she run? How could she escape, with a toddler, and a possible newborn? Unless she escaped now, but then the chance of having the baby.

She was ready to leave this all behind, but how would she. 

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