Chapter 7 American Snipers

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"The snipers are defending the wall well, but now that the wall is closed we have to deal with the demons that breached the city. They're burning our temples!" Kasley said.  

Jake looked at the commander, "Make sure you use this!" Jake handed him a radio. 

Jake and Cynder continued to run through the battlefield together, he turned back to pistol whip nightcrawlers before they got too close as the archer's on rooftops covered their sides, "Take Me to the temple now!". Violet ran up to them along with Flame, "we're coming too Jake, I have a sniper!" Cynder grabbed Violet, Flame grabbed Jake, threw them on their backs and flew to the highest point in Warfang landing on a balcony side. The council were cowering behind their massive stone fortress and strategy tables while two kings and elders were fighting. Cynder would've been embarrassed for her leaders if the city wasn't currently being demolished.

Jake put on his hoodie sweater and began to assemble his Jaeger 7 Lancer, Violet prepped her Ares PGM Bolt Action Sniper and broke the stained window glass as two blood dragons approached the building Kartus yelled at her, "Are you mad! This is a sacred temple and you've defiled it!" Volteer and Terrador came back recovering from battle and agreed with Kronos "You heathens, What is the meaning of this... this is Blasphemy!?"

Violet attached her zoom scope and laser sights, "There's not gonna be anything left to defile if you don't shut up and let us concentrate!" Vi unknotted her tie rolled up her sleeves and knotted it around her arm to slow down the blood flow. The 8 foot tall dragons stepped back terror stricken by the intensity of her voice and focus as the human finished making a weapon half their size. Gunshots and explosions now surrounded Warfang smoke was seen far off in the distance clear signs multiple battles now took place all over the city.

Violet lied down on the ground Sniper position in front of the broken window as Jake crouched on one knee holding the Jaeger on his shoulder on the balcony steadying his crosshairs. Cynder put her paw on Jake's shoulder, "We're too far away!" Jake put on his hoodie and prepared the radio, "No we're not, Violet Cyril's in trouble, two hostiles attacking him by the waterfall, 2000 meters".

Vi steadied her aim, "I see them". She took deep breaths and pulled the trigger twice unleashing a pulsing soundwave. Two flying demons fell from the sky onto the city road, their destruction had come to an end. Cyril saw them in the tower and knew they had his back. She grabbed her phone and gave her friendlies intel, "Two Firebreathers down on East Wing. Alpha team, Delta team, you have sniper support from sacred temple, wall defence is your primary objective, protect the North at all costs!" The council couldn't believe what they just witnessed, a human killed two dragons and had to be nowhere near them.

"Dragons blow fire and struggle to fight another dragon, you humans breathe air in and take 2 down in an instant... Where did you come from!?" King Kartus was shook. Ignitus had a look of anxiety on his face staring at the humans, her precision was quick taking out 5 dragons a minute.

"Target down." Jake began to make more callouts, "Three airborne hostiles by the hospital, 5 clicks, 80 degrees East, Charlie team eyes on the sky." Jake kept firing trying to hit the targets, "Shit! Those dragons are quick." Suddenly Flame noticed a fireball headed towards Violets window. "Violet look out!", He flew to her and tackled her to the ground before the fire hit her, the council was now enraged their temple was being attacked directly, they sent more dragon guards to help the humans ward off the enemy.

"Violet are you alright?" Volteer said.

"I'm fine! Jake where the hell did that come from? Jake reloaded his weapon while Flame helped her recover.

"Reloading! Violet take off that laser sight and put on your hoodie or we'll get spotted again!.. They're by the city center, help me take him down before the others spot us!".

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