Chapter 15: Interrogation

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I've been super busy with midterms, Now that that's over more chapters coming soon.

Cypress woke up in a remote part of the kings castle, King Kronos's private donjon. Hanging from his wrists above his head in chains. The walls were made of brick and the candle lights made the room appear dim despite having open windows. Although less ominous than it appeared, it was the best their kingdom had to offer for a torture chamber. Alban and his cheetah guards stood by the back doorway. Flame and Jubez were directly in front of Cypress waiting for him to wake up. Three other guards responsible for his kidnapping stood by the wide doorway ensuring no chance for an escape.

Cypress was tied up with his arms above his head in the center of the open room. He noticed he wasn't the only human they kidnapped, he saw his friend Michael passed out in the same position he was in, "Do you have any idea what you're doing? Our people can track this exact location within the hour!" Jubez stared at the boy while planning his next move. Flame was just ashamed that it had to come this far. Jubez slowly leaned and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

Cypress began to laugh, "You stupid dog! It's not going to open the video without my password, and you'll never be able to guess it. Even if you destroy my phone it sends an automatic copy to another one and I can't promise what happens to the recording after that." Jubez tried to show patience and started to find a way to convince the human lightly, "Understand this isn't something personal between you and I. I just want the video". The kings silently watched from the darkest corner of the room, waiting for his response.

Cypress swayed back and forth slowly struggling to untie his wrists free, hoping he could buy enough time until his friends discovered he was missing. After a minute he started screaming, "Help! Someone help us!" Jubez put his paw around the humans mouth keeping him from alerting any dragons flying by.

Jubez stares into Cypresse's green eyes and lets out a large sigh, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," he took off his robe revealing his large 6ft tall stature; his black fur exposed to the others and he cracked his muscles ready to unleash his fury. He proceeds to punch Cypress in the stomach and body repeatedly.

Cypress knew Warfang had the right to know who betrayed their city, "You're not gonna make me give you anything!"

"I don't want to hurt you Cypress... know I am not taking pleasure in this." Jubez said.

Suddenly, Kara rolled into the room trigger happy blasting her dual wield Smith and Wessons, but the sly fox quickly jumped out of the way behind cover.

"Kara, Behind you!" Cypress said. The dragon guard quickly restrained her before she could reload.

"Dammit! Let my friend go! You're gonna pay for this you bastards!" Kara said.

"How did you find this place!?.. It doesn't matter, None of you are walking out of here until I get what I want. Guards tie her up as well! I have a new plan to get this boy to talk." Jubez said.

The guards put Kara in the same helpless position as Cypress and Michael. He grabbed her cell and started searching through her photo gallery. "My, my, what have we here." Jubez proceeds to show Kartus a picture of his daughter having sex with Cypress at the party. The king became furious, "You... you seduced my daughter... You'll pay for this Cypress!"

Cypress looked towards the cheetah king, "I love her!"

The cheetah charged towards him, "You took her from me!"

"I didn't take her away from you, you suffocated her and you're too stupid to realize she's appalled by your presence. She tried so hard to help you understand... she's a good person, she's better than you'll ever be..." The king had no words.

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