Chapter 13: Casus

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Back in the temple the humans along with Zofia defended their friend Jake, although he wasn't on trial the council deserved to have an explanation. The council's decision would seek to determine if Spyro would remain fit to be appointed as a fire guardian, all kings had to stay unanimous or have at least 3 kings in favor of the decision for Spyro to keep his privileged position.

Spyro entered the trial room just in time, he couldn't let Cynder defend his actions, "Everyone I'm filled with regret and would do anything to make up for the mistake I made! I'm ready to receive any punishment the council sees fit." Cynder backed him up as much as possible without demonizing either Jake or Spyro, "Look Jake's a good guy, I confess I made the first move. It was a harmless encounter and Spyro overreacted drastically and I'm here to apologize on his behalf too."

Violet still saw Cynder as her friend but was in support of Jake's rights and didn't believe Spyro was stable enough to be a fire guardian at this time, "Overreacted!? He turned into a demon! He practically clawed Jake to the brink of death and.. No! he literally died! If we didn't have our equipment we wouldn't have been able to keep Jake alive and by this case we'd be discussing a murder." The council was starstruck. On the one hand they had adultery and on the other a human who was attacked by one of their most revered dragons. Volteer spoke in support of his pupil, "although attacking Jake was gruesome, it would ultimately be up to Jake to decide if a punishment should be served".

Tensions in the room ran high, the council just wanted an explanation for the events that occured on a soccer field and the conversation turned into the trial of the century. Jubez was the lead guard spectating every move everyone made. Flame rushed in to hear the other half of the heated trial and stood by Jubez. The Cheetah king had enough of his time taken, "You humans should feel lucky our people are kind enough to allow you to remain after everything that's happened!"

Cypress practically snapped at their his remark slamming his fist on the table of judgement, "This council is a farce! We both know Jake would never press charges on Spyro and even if he did you will still let him get away with what he's done. He's too dangerous to be held in such high ranks!"

Tobi butted in, "Back in America everyone got what they deserved no matter who they were no one was above the law!"

The Cheetah king began to shut them down, "Enough! Ever since your people arrived it's been one calamity after another! You should be thankful for your conditions and if you can't look within reason you may leave Warfang!"

Tobious became furious, "Lucky!? We've been losing people since we've arrived to Warfang. Some of which were taken during the battle! Ashley, Sergei, Gunther, Jose, Clair, Chad!... Did you even remember there freakin' names!?

Violet had disappointment in her voice, she couldn't believe the words coming from the royals, "Is this really how your government works? Are you all just going to treat us as second class citizens? We can't find our friends and none of you have discussed the rescue plan to get them back from Malefor... how much longer are we going to stand in the fire?"

Gavin looked towards Dante holding his head down in anger and came to the humans defence, "The humans are right, they haven't been treated fairly since they've arrived and I for one believe Spyro should be held accountable for his actions!"

Kronos lost his patience, "Enough! Don't lecture us about how our elders run our city little girl, besides.. We've all seen what you've done to your own."

Violet dropped her water glass, "...You pompous... assuming... bastard!"

Jubez snapped and protected his king's honor, "You will address our lord with respect. How dare you show such insolence you ape! Apologize at once... or else!"

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