Chapter 12 : Blood and Lust

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I know I've been doing a lot of crazy edits, I just want to make sure this book is as imaginative as I can make it. Have an awesome weekend!

Violet, Cypress and Zophia went to fetch soft food for their patient late in the afternoon by the city's grocery section, by now everyone knew who they were. A kind mole and Lemur vender gave them fruits and herbs free of charge in high hopes Jake recovered swiftly. "From the citizens of Warfang we hope to the ancestors Jake makes a full recovery..."

"Thank you so much, you're so kind" Violet said. It seemed the city was divided on whose side they were on. Some believed Jake got what was coming to him, but most agreed nobody deserved to get attacked as viciously as he did no matter what they'd done.

Across the city Kara walked by a narrow street with miscellaneous shops and noticed a cloaked figure hiding amongst the crowd of other dragons, only he was ten times more inconspicuous than they were. Under the hood a Purple torso and yellow scales, she knew there was only one dragon in Warfang with that description standing by the flowers stand. Spyro noticed she saw him as well and couldn't think, all he could do was continue to walk in the same direction and pretend they didn't see each other. Kara went blank and walked towards him in the crowded villa hoping they'd ignore each other.

She passed right next to him, his wings glazed her uniform jeans, his tale slid by her leg accidentally and she felt so repulsed by his presence. Both staring towards the ground, neither had words to say, but Kara didn't need words. Several steps after they passed each other she snapped and broke a large wooden pole from a blacksmith shop.

Before Spyro finished turning she bashed him over the head revealing his identity to the rest of the crowd. She used her Krav Maga lessons and hit him again under the stomach and face beating him repeatedly. Shoppers in the same street watched as Spyro took the hits, he tried contesting Kara by grabbing one of her legs as she kicked, pushing her into one of the stands, however she quickly recovered grabbing another pole and jump kicked Spyro with her other foot. With the force of her boot hitting his face the dragon received a mild concussion and she continued to beat him mercilessly with full force to make sure he was hurt. She finally took one last swing and broke the wooden pole on his body knocking herself to the ground as well, the dragon was barely standing. Kara slowly stood back up as tears streamed down her face, she was almost out of breath. Spyro remained silent, knowing she was furious. If not to apologize what else could he say to her?

Kara began to speak after she caught her breath, "He's in a coma! He can barely breath on his own, he might never wake up again and you... You did this to him! Never in a million years would he believe he was attacked by his best friend! Never! It is just... I mean!.." Kara paused for a second and noticed the white flowers Spyro had in his paws. Then began to laugh.

"Flowers? Really Spyro... Did you get those for Cynder or do you want to give them to Jake? Either way it's one big screw you from the edge of the grave... If he ever wakes up there's no guarantee he'll know where he is, who he is, where he came from. If he ever does how is his heart going to take the truth. How am I going to explain to him his friends and family are dead... AGAIN! How the hell is Violet going to tell him about Sam? Are we really supposed to do this to him!?... You bastard! answer me!"

Spyro didn't say a word, his eyes began to water, no one in Warfang had ever seen the dragon cry before and they didn't know if he was going to start now. Kara stared at Spyro for a good minute. She noticed she had dropped her now cracked cell phone in the middle of the street and slowly picked it up sidelining the dragon. Calmly and sternly she took deep breaths and took her translator off. "I'm going to say this in your tongue now so there's no mistaking my words... If I ever see you near Jake again Spyro, I swear to god I will blow your f****** head off." The bystanders were more shocked by what she told him rather than learning their language so fast, they were unsure of who they were afraid of most. Although they couldn't help but share her pain; it was clear Kara's wrath was as strong as her geniality. Spyro looked into Kara's eyes and knew she meant every word.

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