21a. Blushing Bride

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In the wee hours of the morning, Elle woke with a start. Dean had really spent the night with her. She rose on one elbow and stared at him. How the hell did they end up together? Anybody who'd see them together would think he'd settled for less. As gorgeous as he was, he was also kind, generous, charming, and most of all, he moved in higher circles. She would never fit into his lifestyle.

"You're staring," he said, eyes still closed.

"You're awake?" Elle blushed; glad the room was still somewhat dark.

"Are you staring at me, Elle? Or are you lecturing yourself inside that pretty little head of yours?" He opened his eyes and smiled.

She pulled the covers higher, suddenly aware that she was naked beneath it, and despite everything, she didn't want him to see her in the light, all her scars and stretch marks. "I was thinking, how did we end up here? You and me"

"Want me to tell you all?" He grinned.

She shook her head. "I'm just in awe that you're here."

He rolled onto her, pushing away the covers she'd almost wrapped around herself. "And where would I go?"

"Were you always planning to come back last night?"

He shook his head. "It was killing me, waiting for you." He ran his lips slowly over her neck. "Now, it will be harder to keep away from you."

"We can't let people know," Elle said nervously.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be a story."

"You're not."

"I don't want to be the one that breaks your heart..."

He ran his lips over her softly. "Then don't break it," and kissed her like it was the first time once more.

"No one can know." She tried to fight against him, to keep the conversation going, but it wasn't fair, the way he was stealing her heart so quick.


An hour later, she kissed him at the door. "What if someone asks where you were last night?"

"Off having the best night of my life." He pulled her towards him with a smile. "Don't worry, I won't tell." He kissed her forehead and let her go. "See you tonight."

Elle fell asleep on the lounge after that, basking in the sunlight when her phone rang. She fumbled for it on the coffee table.

"Open the door," Bonnie asked in exasperation. "I've been knocking."


The young woman stood with her hand on her hip as the door swung open. "Why do you look so tired?"

"Gee, thanks, Bon. Morning to you too." Elle opened the door wider and walked back to the sofa.

"It's midday, Elle. Didn't you get much sleep last night?"

Elle's heart skipped a beat. Did Bonnie know about Dean's visit? "I didn't really sleep well," she lied.

"Then I guess we're both glad we have nothing on until the evening, huh?" Bonnie yawned, kicking off her ballet flats.

"How'd you get here?"

"Tess, Dana, and some girls were going to the spa to recoup from the night, so I got a ride in."

"How was it?"

"Great. You can check the photos." She passed the camera case to Elle. "I'm going to shower and get some sleep before we have to get going again."

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