22b. Seeing White

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Chloe's system worked like a charm and before long, all the bridesmaids had their faces on, their hair up and their dresses zipped. They piled into a large white limousine and departed for the floating wedding venue.

Guests milled around as champagne and music flowed. Elle bumped into Peter and approved of his tan. "Bali suits you." She winked, clicking a photo of her cousin and the now tanned husband.

"And Sydney you." Peter winked back. "You've caused quite a stir, I hear." He tipped his champagne flute at her and kissed her cheek. "You're doing good. More guts and it'll be your wedding and I'll be toasting."

Elle smiled, slapped him on the arm, and told him they were due for a visit. "I have to go find the bride and the groom before the ceremony starts."

"Hang on!" Chloe said. "I almost forgot." She fished out a cream rose fashionista, spun Elle around, and speared it carefully into her hair. "Dana gave it to me a little while back. Said it'd break the black, and add a bit of zing. He likes you, you know!"

"Who?" Elle fished, knowing full well who Chloe meant.

"As if you don't know." Chloe rolled her eyes and grinned. "That's why Christina's knickers are in a twist. She'd been hoping Dean would give into Kim's advances all these years and suddenly he'd found a country girl to fall in love with."

"Oh?" Elle was interested now.

Chloe leaned in. "He might have to. They had him under so much pressure. He'd have done it just to shut them both up, but he had to go meet you, didn't he?"

Elle's eyes widened as she saw Peter nod beside Chloe.

"Why do you think Kim despises you so?" Chloe asked gleefully.

"I couldn't let the poor bugger suffer like that, Elle," Peter added. "He's a great mate, after all."

"Elle." They heard Bonnie's voice behind them. "The ceremony is in ten."

"I'll see you two later!" Elle gave both a quick hug.

"Did you, Elle?" Chloe called out.

"Did I what?" she asked, turning around.

Chloe's eyebrows danced. "You know!"

Elle gasped. "Later."

The humdrum of chatter slowly ebbed as guests made their way to the upper deck and calmly sorted themselves out in front of the decorated floral fairy lights arch. Twinkled around them was the Sydney Harbour shoreline, as buildings and homes turned their lights on, one by one. The sun was slowly descending towards the warm spring evening.

Elle urged Bonnie to head for the upper deck and she herself waited at the bottom of the stairs, awaiting the bride and her entourage for the bride and her entourage. The hospitality crew blended in and out through the area, making slight adjustments to the dining area here and there. But something seemed amiss, even though everything was perfect.

Tess appeared gloriously radiant behind her bridesmaids and patiently waited for her cue. Soon enough, Elle was scurrying up the stairs and positioning herself to capture each lady as she made her appearance.

Tess floated up behind Dana, her hand in her father's. The two were whispering and Elle snapped a photo. It was perfect. Behind them were the lights of the city, ahead of them a wedding party and the fading daylight.

The soft bridal music started and Elle made her way ahead of the pair, snapping guests and the trail of bridesmaids. This is why she loved weddings. It wasn't the glitz and glamour; it was the moments before two people declared their love for one another. Their faces, their smiles, their breaths held.

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