21.b Blushing Bride

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Elle cursed under her breath. Not only was that a problem but, even if she wanted to leave, her camera was still sitting underneath the chair. "Why did he do that?" she asked.

Bonnie shrugged. "I think he did it to make his mother react."

"They're all talking about it in there. Talking about me!" Elle resumed her pacing.

"It's exciting news," Bonnie tried.

"It's not news, Bonnie!" Elle snapped. "It's not news since it's never been discussed before."

"He stayed over last night, didn't he?" Bonnie asked.

Elle shook her head. "What are you on about?"

"He did," Bonnie stated with a grin. "No wonder you were tired this morning."

"Even if that had happened, what does it have to do with this?" Elle bit back. "And I'm a grown-up, thank you. I can do what I want."

Bonnie laughed. "I wasn't criticising you, Elle. You didn't even flinch at the thought of marrying him. You got angry that he said it to everyone before he even said it to you."

"Well," Elle started. "I don't even know what we have."

"He's in love with you. I can tell that much."

"I know," she whispered. The panic inside suddenly morphed into excitement. Really? Could it be true?

"Then what's the problem? I thought you felt the same way?"

Elle looked up. She did not know Dean was so far ahead of her. What if it didn't work out?

"Do you love him?"

"I don't know." Elle met Bonnie's gaze, "I, I do like him a lot."

"Will you miss him after we finish up here?" Bonnie asked simply the question, but it had the effect she wanted. Elle stood, unable to breathe for a moment. "Love's precious, Elle," Bonnie whispered. "I watched my father miss my mother for so long, even if she was the one who ended things and left us."

"You mean Carol's not your mum?"

Bonnie shook her head. "She came along when I was in high school. Dad almost let her go, even when the thought of her could put a smile on his face." She reached for Elle's hand and squeezed it. "You'd be stupid if you walked away from him."

A waitress came toward them. "Mr Stewart wishes to know if you two are okay."

"Yes, we are. Thank you," Bonnie replied. She gave Elle's hand another squeeze. "Let's get our asses in there before the entire Stewart family searches us out." Elle followed reluctantly. "You just sit quietly and blend in. I'll work this evening."

It was a painful couple of hours and every second felt like an hour. Elle remained mute, and the few times she dared talk was mainly with Dean himself. At least sitting next to him felt like some sort of compensation for the earlier drama.

At one point, Dean grabbed Elle's camera. "You stay seated. I'll do a round."

She had nothing to say. Within seconds, Dean was taking photos of her. She wanted to fight it, to turn her head away, but knowing how everyone was still looking at her, she'd draw too much attention.

By the end of the evening, she might have considered the last day and a half left of her stay a blessing if it hadn't been for the constant reminder that she'd be leaving Dean behind.

"Shall we?" he asked as the entire gathering slowly left. Elle nodded, eager to get away. "Where's Bonnie?"

"I don't know," Elle said.

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