9b. Something Borrowed, Something Blue

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The afternoon went by in a blissful blur. Between keeping Maya occupied with her shows and games on the tablet, and working the rehearsal dinner, Elle couldn't remember the last time she had lost herself completely in her work. Perhaps, for the first time, she'd let go of all worries. The guests truly didn't seem to mind Maya. In fact, she was quick to make friends with the other kids.

Before long, the rehearsal dinner ended, and everyone bid the bride and the groom goodnight.

"Isn't Stewie coming, Con?" asked Ronald Van Belt, Conrad's only uncle amongst the hustle of fifteen other close relatives who'd arrived in time to take part.

Conrad peeled himself away from his glowing bride-to-be. "The last I heard, he's getting here in the morning."

Ronald slapped Conrad on the back. "Cutting it close, your best man."

Elle was curious. Who was this Stewie? All afternoon, that name had floated around like a chant. At one point, even Maya had been curious and had asked Elle 'Who is Stewie, mummy?' A question Elle had no answer for.

Conrad looked serious for a moment. "He declined. That bastard. Said he had a few things to do for family and he wouldn't be able to get here any sooner. So he stepped down."

"Stewie backs out, and I get dumped into it, Uncle Ronnie," came a booming voice. It was Conrad's younger brother, Jeremy. Small frame, but does he have a voice on him? thought Elle.

Jeremy turned to Bianca across the room, quietly chatting with her mother. "Hey, B," he called, his voice echoing across the small church. "You better have drop-dead gorgeous bridesmaids, aye."

So bizarre, Elle thought, snapping away — click, click, click — at the family.

Conrad noticed her gaze. "Hey Jerry, snap one of me and Ellenor, will you?"

He put an arm around her shoulder, barely touching. He led her to Bianca, and Jeremy followed.

"You sure?" Elle asked. Few were ever interested in taking a photo with their wedding photographer.

Conrad smiled. "Something about you, Ellenor."

Elle happily obliged, sandwiched between the tall couple. Maya darted across the room, dashing in between people. "Me too, mummy. Me too!" And before Elle could decide yay or nay, Bianca held out her arms to Maya and picked her to her slender hips.

"Smile!" Jerry boomed and a blinding light caught her eyes.

It was well past nine o'clock when the cheery group split. Elle bid them goodnight and started walking back to the cozy inn with her tired daughter dragging her feet. Elle would have carried her if she could, but the camera and Maya both would have been too much. Though, soon enough, she heard someone following them.

"Con thought I should escort you to your hotel." Jeremy joined her.

Elle was more than happy to have company. Jerry walked beside her, now and then eyeing her from the corner of his eyes. "I don't know how your man does it," he said.

"Does what?"

"Have his stunning wife go off to weddings and parties all alone. Doesn't he ever get nervous someone might try to pick you up?"

"Are you trying to pick me up, Mr Van Belt?"

Jerry stopped. "Please, Mr Van Belt? Ellenor, call me Jerry."

"Ok, Jerry." She turned to him. A little harmless flirting. She could deal with that. It had been so long since anyone had noticed Elle that she often felt old. Ancient even. "Are you trying to pick me up?"

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