Epilogue: A Quiet Word

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Elle stared at the pile of folders waiting for her attention. She swore it grew inches taller every day - clients and potential clients vying for a spot in her busy schedule. Who would have thought that almost two years ago, as she covered one of the biggest weddings of her tiny career that she would find herself amongst the elites? Whatever happened to Dean wanting to keep a low profile and family privacy? Guess he didn't care anymore, and frankly, neither did she.

It had been close to a year and a half since her spontaneous trip to Paris to woo the man she loved. After hours of restlessness and extended nausea, and a handful of false readings on expired pregnancy tests later, Elle had got into a room alone with Dean in the likes of a hotel she never thought she'd set foot in, and what did she do? She stood there like a silly little girl who did not know what she was even thinking.

Fast forward to the present, and she'd moved back to her hometown, for now, living in her old room with Maya, who had wonderful grandparents to watch over her while mummy dearest was busy transitioning her business into a tiny empire, a boutique that attracted all of Dean's own circle and clients.

"You have got to centralize yourself, El. You're only going to burn out this way." Dean had frowned at the state of her 'office,' a tiny room at the back of another shop front. "Move to Sydney. That's where all the clients are. Get a bigger office, I can help you with that, and set up a proper studio."



"No." Elle had stood on her tiptoes and kissed those gorgeous lips playfully before strutting away in an outfit she was already not comfortable wearing, a pencil skirt with heels. "You keep your money and your charms, Mr. Stewart, and I shall keep my pride."

Dean chuckled. "Is this about all those bloody awards you're getting yourself nominated for? Chloe warned me you'd get an enormous head."

Utterly scandalous, Elle turned around and glowered, lowering her voice for fear her newly hired secretary would hear. "Don't be jealous. I'm making something of myself. I will not become your trophy wife."

Dean laughed his heart-melting laugh. "Great, and now you get feisty." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I love you, but seriously, you pack like my grandma."

Elle returned his kiss. "So I'll see you there then?" He nodded, walking away. "Tell them I won't be too long."

Dean waved vaguely as he went. "Just make sure you get there before you miss everything."

"Of course, I'm the bloody photographer!" Elle yelled off, watching his figure disappear through the front of the shop. "Right, Maureen, where's my camera case?"

"What a milf," Dean whispered into her ears as she cheerfully snapped away at the family.

"Excuse me." She smiled. "That's my cousin you're talking about." Elle spied Chloe and Peter from the corner of her eyes, little baby Symphony held loving in Peter's arms, mingling with their guests in the garden.

"I wasn't talking about her." He winked, eyeing her from head to toe. "How about it?"

"How about what?"

Dean reached for something in his pocket, and at that moment Elle's heart raced. In the hubbub of people, no one seemed to notice, and no one cared as Dean quietly slipped a ring on Elle's finger. He leaned in with the sweetest smile on his face. "I won't name names, but someone actually wants you to be his wife? Say yes."

The ring felt odd on her finger. Somewhat home, too. It fit. They fit.

"Maya already said yes, in case you are wondering." He squeezed her hand in his, nervous as ever. Elle looked around the gathering, people in their own worlds. Her gaze skimmed over how happy Chloe looked.

She turned to him and nodded. "I almost thought you were about to get down on your knees." Elle laughed. They had talked about it before, perhaps once or twice, and she had been adamant no one should go down on their knee in public. It puts pressure on the whole thing. She wanted quiet. Quiet meant no noise could interfere with the biggest decision in your life. This was definitely quiet, so quiet that only the two of them knew what had just happened. Elle was going to be a bride, all of her own.

She squeezed his hand with her newly adorned hand. "We'll tell them once the guests leave."

Dean nodded and slipped away to mingle with the guests, and Elle went back to her photography, unable to concentrate any longer.

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