Part 10

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Jimin: The skin

»-and that's when I told him: Are you African? Because you are a'frican babe. And he started yelling at me, telling me I'm stupid to believe he's from Africa,« Tae whined as he unwrapped his fifth chocolate bar that day.

I flipped a page on the book I was reading, rolling my eyes: »Hun, stop eating, you are going to puke.«

»If that's my destiny then I shall accept it,« he yelled dramatically, eating it in one go.

We were sitting on our shared bed, waiting for Hoseok and Jin to come home from the grocery store and Tae, of course, used our free time to ramble about his failing love life with Jungkook. I found out so many things about him that I had the feeling I'm in love with him, not Tae.

»So,« he started again with mouth-full of food, »I tried again, right? I told him that a kiss is the language of love and asked him if he wanted to have a conversation.«

I let out a deep sigh.

The book I was reading was actually really cool and the main lead was about to confess to his ex and apologize for cheating on her, but of course, today was not the day I found out her answer.

I gave Tae an angry glare: »So?«

He instantly hid his head in the pillow: »I swear, he's so dumb blondes tell jokes about him! He said we are already talking and there's no need to complicate it.«

I giggled, tossing my book to the side: »Tae, hun, he's just very shy.«

»I don't think so. If you ask me, he's just not interested,« he pouted and I raised an eyebrow.

From my point of view, I couldn't really tell why someone wouldn't be interested in Taehyung. He was funny, beautiful and caring ... sometimes a little weird, but extremely lovable.

You can't 'not love' Taehyung.

It's a rule from the universe.

»How can you be so sure?« I asked.

His face was desperate when he whispered, not wanting the others to hear: »I think he's in love with Namjoon.«

I gasped and jumped up in a sitting position.

»With who?!«

He just nodded.

»Bitch, pass me the tea,« I giggled, but he wasn't laughing.

I could already see the tears in his eyes. I ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

»I thought Namjoon's in love with Jin.«

He chuckled sadly: »Namjoon's not even into guys.«

I raised my eyebrows. It was almost impossible to believe that. The way he was acting with Jin made it seem like he loves him to the moon and back. He was always with him, helping him, calming him down and giving him a warm hug when he needed it. I guess I was jumping to conclusions again.

I leaned back and wiped Tae's tears with my thumbs.

»Then don't worry, hun. He has no chance with him.«

»Yeah, but still.«

I patted his head and gave him a sad smile.

I knew very well how it is to love a person who will never love you back.

»Why don't you try with Hoseok? He seems to like you,« I suggested.

That would be forceing yourself into liking someone and I knew that. It wouldn't be fair to Hoseok and it wouldn't be fair to Taehyung. I just didn't want him to feel like he wasn't worth being loved.

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