Chapter Seven p.2 - Meanwhile

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I HEADED to Miles' place to finish the project.

His father wasn't home this time; he was keeping Riley in detention, tonight. She'd ranted all about it to me in English, and I couldn't help but sympathize. I really hoped she'd be fine. Mr. Spencer was a lot to handle, no doubt about it. Miles even apologized to me for being so harsh to my friend.

We didn't have much left to cover on our assignment except going over last-minute details and polishing our work. When we were done, we moved downstairs to the kitchen. He took out a cheese string and offered me one, but I only asked for water.

"So, how do you guys hunt Wanderers without dying?"

He laughed. "Well, we're a group, for starters. We have training and weapons."

"I've seen them enough to know it takes more than that to kill one." I tried not to sound bitter, but he seemed to pick up on it. I couldn't imagine a gun helping at all.

"The training makes all the difference. I won't lie, it's not easy to build up the courage to fight one. You have to conquer your demons and work hard." It sounded fed up, like he repeated after someone. He made a silly face, and it looked so comical I giggled. 

"All jokes aside, I had deep-seated issues after losing my mom. I wanted to avenge her and to prevent other people from going through what I did. I didn't want to be this weak person who just stood there and let the world take everything from me. I learned how to protect myself. In the end, no one can really save you except yourself, and I don't regret my decision."

I gazed at him, half-intrigued. "Wow, what an inspiring speech."

"I get carried away, I know," he said with a grin. "My father and his friends made sure it stuck with me. When I was a kid, it was those words that got me through the day."

"I'm really sorry you had to lose your mom like that." It must have been a painful death. "No one deserves that."

Miles tossed his cheese wrapper in the trash can and watched me through hooded lids. "I'm sorry you had to witness the horrors those leeches can do. I really am. Not everyone gets to say they've been bitten and survived. In fact, you're the only one I've met. I think that's the most hardcore thing I've ever heard of."

Tension ran through my shoulders. My knuckles tightened as I rammed my nails into my palms, fighting the deep shiver that meandered under my skin. Ever since that time, I really wasn't a fan of the dark and slept with a light on. 'Slept' being a vague term for the measly kips... There was nothing hardcore about that. It was plain pathetic.

"You make it sound so amazing."

"Because it is." He leaned in and took a long moment to peruse my face. His eyes sparkled under the kitchen light. "Can I say something?"

I hesitated, wondering if I wanted to hear it. What would he say? For once, someone understood my turmoil, but I wasn't sure I'd talk about it in depth. My hands were already shaking, and I had to hide them under the table.

Against all odds, I decided to give it a chance, and it felt like throwing myself into the void.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"You're a treacherous person, Emma. You look so tiny and innocent, and it makes people want to put you in a box and keep you this way forever. In reality, you're stronger than most just for withstanding an attack like that. You are unmistakably very different from the image you display." Miles threw his head back, his gaze not leaving mine. "Am I wrong?"

Our faces were so close I could feel his breath tickle my neck, but I didn't back away.

"I don't know. I don't exactly feel that way."

He quirked up a little smile and deflated. "There goes the second part of my inspiring speech down the drain, then."

I mirrored his expression as the tension in my shoulders dissipated. My eyes checked the clock.

"I hope your father's going easy on Riley at the moment." 


(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingWhere stories live. Discover now