23. Ain't No Party Like A Mutant Party (part 2)

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*this is what I mean by horsing around, guys* 

Music boomed through the house after sundown and the group branched out. In a corner next to the smoking area, people were dancing to a bass rhythm. Emma didn't even want to know what was happening upstairs. In the kitchen, there was beer pong and other drinking games. One guy with a bottle of vodka was exhaling actual fire from his mouth and smoke billowed from his ears to amuse his peers.

A ton of drugs and alcohol were circulating freely. Lauren explained to Emma that it took a lot for mutants to stay inebriated, hence the outrageous amounts of subtances rolling around. In the yard, the mutants played a Harry Potter inspired chess game.

It invovled two teams and two leaders. The leaders moved the players in their position of choice and the players from both team had to fight to keep their place. The brawls were vicious and spectators hooted whenever blood was spilled. A group of people convinced Lauren to lead a team and she accepted at the condition that Emma played with her and that the fights stopped before there was any major damage. The girls sat on the grass and ordered the pawns around, plotting their strategies together.

They won a game and curious mutants approached Emma to learn more about her as Lauren gradually finished a bottle of sangria. She was all giggly and cuddly, cheeks blazing. They stumbled inside after that one game. Her brother was sitting on a countertop kicking it with Ben and other friends in the kitchen. Ben burped and they laughed.

A scantily-clad girl was leaning onto Luc and they started making out fiercely, loose tongues and hands everywhere, a sight Emma had not been prepared for. Devin was propped on some guy's shoulders in the living room, her head nearly grazing the ceiling. A group was screaming in the bathroom doing God knows what. Lauren plucked more glasses of tequila shots from a snack table and handed one to Emma.

"Bottoms up!"

The girls downed it and winced. This time, Emma was starting to feel the sting and the numbing. They sat on a couch as Raymond staggered out with a girl wrapped around his waist. His clothes were put on backwards and a strange pair of sunglasses hung down on his nose. He looked completely stoned.

He found the girls on the sofa and forgot about the one clinging to him.

"Hiya!" he yelled and crashed between them, pointing at Emma. "Oh, who's your friend here?"

"Emma, remember?"

"No." He smiled at the redhead. "Hi, I'm Raymond and I'm a mutant. What's a human doing here?"

In the background, somebody yelled at another person to pull their pants up. Emma stifled a giggle, feeling dizzy.

"I have no idea, to be honest."

Raymond jabbed her shoulder. "No worries, Buttercup. None of us know, either. We're all lost."

He slumped on one side, inadvertently weighing on Lauren who annoyingly slapped his arm.

"Hey, you're crushing me."

He realized she was there and he beamed. "Wikie! Come here, you."

He snaked his arms around her and snuggled, trapping her in his long limbs.

"You doing good in school and with homework?" Raymond asked and started rocking her. Thankfully, the motion didn't make her nauseous.

She nodded and so did he. He tapped her head while resting his cheek on the top of it. Emma watched intently, trying hard not to laugh. Raymond pulled out a blunt from his pocket, lit it up and breathed. When he exhaled, he threw his head back and let the white smoke escape his throat.

(REWRITING) The Skylar Experiment : CovetingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя